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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/837

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SIG SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 228. 1920. not to exceed $100 each, and for civilian clothing not to exceed $15 per man to men given discharges for bad conduct, undesirability, ,u§;Y°‘ R°S°"° 9* E- inaptiplude, and the Imiform gratuity paid to officers of the Naval eserve orce. ,,§§§,°§?,§T‘°‘"s* S"' INS'1'BU’MENTS rum SUPPLIESI Supplies for seamen’s quarters; and for the purchase of all other articles of equipage at home and abroad; and for the pa ent of labor in equipping vessels therewith and manufacture of suclhmarticles in the several navy yards; all (pilotage and towages of ships of war; canal tolls, wharfage, dock an port charges, and other necessary incidental expenses of a similar nature; services and materials in repairing, correctmg, ad'usting, and testin cornpasses on shore and on board ship; nautical and astronomicafl instruments and repairs to same; libraries for ships of war, professional books, schoolbooks, and papers; maintenance of gunnery and other training classes; compasses, compass fittings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appendages of ship’s com asses; logs and other appliances for measuring the sh.ip’s way, and leads and other appliances for sounding; photographs, photographic instruments and materials, printing outfit and materials; and for the necessary civilian electricians for gyrocompass testing and inspection, $850,000. v§‘§Y"*“ ““““k° S"' QCEAN AND LAKE sunvms: Hydrographic surveys, including the pay of the necessary hvdrographic surveyor, cartographic drafts- _ men, and recorders, and for the purchase and printing of nautical §Z?§§{,'§,,,,m., Omg books, charts, and sailing directions, $105,000: Provided, That the d°*°’*"· Secretary of the Navy is authorized to detail such naval officers as Tm,mgm,,m_ may be necessary to the Hydro aphic Office. iierbasuemlslmd. NAVAL TRAINING STATION, %`ALIFORNIAZ Maintenance of naval Cam training station, Yerba Buena Island, California: Labor and material; buildings and wharves; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street car are; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, tools, and repairs to same; fire engines and extinguishers ; gymnastic implements; models, and other articles needed in instruction of apprentice seamen ; printing outfit and materials, and maintenance of same; heating and lighting; stationery, books, schoolbooks, and Eeriodicals; fresh water, and washing; packing boxes and materia ; and all other contingent expenses; maintenance of dispensary building; lectures and suitable entertainments for apprentice seamen; in a , (Masters Harbor S122’OO0' , name, Ii. I. l\AVAL TRAINING STATION, Ruonn IsLA1~m: Maintenance of naval training station, Rhode Island: Labor and material, buildings and wharves; dredging channels; extending sea walls; repairs to causeway and sea wall; general care, repairs and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ierriage, and street car fare: purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same: wagons, carts, implements, and tools, repairs to same, including the maintenance, repair, and operation of two horse—drawn passeznger-carrying vehicles to be used only 'for official purlposes; tire engines and extinguishers; gymnastie implements: mode s and other articles needed in instruction of apprentice seamen; printing outnt and materials, and maintenance of same; heating and lighting; stationery, books, schoolbooks, and periodicals; fresh water, and washing; packing boxes and materials; and all other contingent P,,,.,,,_ expenses; ectures and suitable entertainments for apprentice seaicgrncah etc-. wr- men; in all,_ $275,000: Promdgd, That the sum to be paid out of ` this apprplpriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for cleric , drafting, inspection, and messenger service for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1921, shall not exceed $15,701.60.