SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 228.. 1920. 815 ment at home and abroad, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; transportation to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and a prentice seamen discharged on medical survey, with subsistence and) transfers enroute, or cash in lieu thereof; transportation of sick or insane enlisted men and apprentice seamen to hospitals, with subsistence and transfers en route, Nam R 6 S H, V 0 or cash in lieu thereof; trans ortation of enlisted men of the Naval F¤r¤».erc· Reserve Force to and from d)uty, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; transportation of civilian officers and crews of naval auxiliaries ; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway guides and other expenses incident to __ transportation; expenses of recruiting for the naval service; rent of R°°"""”g° rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same; advertising for and obtaining men and apprentice seamen; actual and necessary expenses in lieu of mileage to officers on duty with traveling recruiting Parties: $3:500:000- , Naval service during The Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, is herebly directed World Warto furnish to the proper officers m the several States, erritories, et§5°t€i?°1i}§t°pil2E$§ insular possessions, an the District of Columbia of the United States, “*°”**°m· on or before June 30, 1921, statements of the services of all ersons from those several places who served in the Navy during the Wpar with Germany, and for that purpose a sum not to exceed $200,000 is hereby appropriated for obtaining the necessary material and the Addmm, dem, employment of the necessaréy clerical force, and the further sum of remain nepmmem. $100,000 shall be allotted 0 the appropriation of $404,140 for tem- "”'°*p‘ °" poraijéxemployees, Bureau of Navigation, contained in the Legislative, ecutive, and Judicial Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ,,,0,,,8,* 1921: Provided,Thatnopartof thesaid ap rorilriation of $404,140,orof Rcstrictioncn use the appropriation of 8200,000 herem made, s all be used for the pay of any employee who IS engaged on other than work of the Bureau of Navigation' . Recreation, enlisted REGREATION FOR ENLISTED MEN: For the recreation, amusement, men comfort, contentment, and health of the Navy, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, under such regulations as he P,,,,,,,,,_ may prescribe: Provided, That not more two persons shall be P¤v¤’•=¤¤i¢¤°¤· employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per anmlmr $800»000‘ . . . . Contingent- Cozvrrxerzrrr: Ferriage, contmuous·serv1ce certificates, discharges, good-conduct badges, and medals for men and boys, including civilian employees who render conspicuous service by putting their lives in jeopardy to save hfe or property; purchase of glymnastic apparatus; transportation of effects o deceased officers an enlisted men of the Na , and of oflicers and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force E0 die while on duty; books for apprentice seamen and landsmen; packing boxes and materials; books and models; stationery; and other contingent expenses and emergencies arising under cognizancé of @119 BllI'8&l1 of Navigation, rmforeseen and im wssible to classify, $20,000. 6,,,,,,,,, and mg,. gnwxnnr AND ENGINEERING EXEROISES: Prizes, trophies, and ¤°°“°¤ """°i“S· badges for excellence in gunnery, target practice, engineering exercises, and for economy in fuel consumption, to be awarded under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may formulate; for the {Lrpose of printing, recordmg, classifying, compilin , and publis g the rules and results; for the establishment and maintenance o T,,.g,,,,,,,g,,,em_ shootin_ alleries, target houses, targets, and ranges; for hiring established ranges, and for transporting equipment to and from I`8Dg€$, $100:000- **" _ _ Outfits on nrst en- Ovrrrrs ON Fmslj ENLISTMENT: During the fiscal year endrgg June *""“°““· 30, 1921, the clothing and small stores fund shall be charg with the value of all issues of clothing and small stores made to_enl1sted men and apprentice seamen required as outfits on first enlistment,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/836