896 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. _ _ sum, but no reimbursement shall be made of such expenses incurred ,,,·}.'{_'_f_}'*0§”°°“‘°*°"°$ prior to July _1, 1910; expenses of the segregation 0 bodies in vbpler- §;<;;—¤·gi_St me manent American cemeteries m France; in all, $21,549,000z Prot ed, au¤y,iii¤1iiaa°il°°° That the above provisions shall be applicable m the cases of officers and enlisted men on the retired list 0 the Army who have died or may hereafter die while on active duty by roper assignment and _,Qg§°"“°""l”g"‘“*‘ also go citizens ofétl;11eUE]i1§>d States_v;h3mayh}ii2;1w;e dgcigl while sprving m the armies o e es associa e wit » e erican orces: g,§§*gj Q,§,$,Q;;*_';§c’i °’ Prov(1idiz)dIfurther¥ '{hat, in addittion tpghe forpgoing ixum, the uptélgii- Balmwe available ate a ance 0 e a ro l'1& 10D IS OS1 1on 0 emams 0 - ‘"""p‘ m' gers, Soldiers, and Civil)%mIp1oyees," for Ithe fiscal year 1920 is made available durin the iiscal year 1921 for the care and maintenance , oi gralves cg pécelps, soldiers,_ and employe? of the Army a roa , an or the preparation an s ment 0 their remains to comming pegmai their hom,es, or to national cemeteries: l"€·o»t~£ded urther, That there §.,°,f§_,,‘,§Q_°’sp°‘i*’°” °' may be expended from and after the approval off this Act and until Pm,p11M· June 30, 1921, from this appropriation and the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1920, a total amount_ not exceeding $250,000 for personal services in the Cemeterial Division, Office 0 the Quartermaster General, War Department, for compiling, recording, preparing, and transmitting data incident to the disposition of 0 15} ;{)t¥;e¤¤¤¤¢i¤¤ M the remains referred to herem; this sum may} be exlpended notwithl°m3; pleas. standing the third proviso of the paragirap entitled "Temp0rary employees, War_ Deipartmentff containe in the Legislative, Exec- Cmmerm umd utgeépréd Jpdilemal (pp15>pl;·1wat1o(p(A€ct fpr theciglscal yeagr 1921. cm ,m_ * o e era e oun , a oo me ery, cago: or care, ro- “'° t;2;°a.atr:;·s:sszd¤z2*:s as aerstaor as "°°¤§€d· e e e e , c , . ,,§,‘f‘g?,,‘}§Y°*° S°°°k’ C For carej pigotectiopi anld m§int3na1nceBof Cgpfedgrate Stockade emetery, o stons s an in an us · a , 'o, 350. p,Q$8¤‘°d°¤*° bum] Confederate burial gilatszj For care, yrotedtion, and maintenance caieete. of Confederate burial p ats, owned by tli)e United States, located and known bly the following designations: Confederate cemetery, North Alton, Il inois; Confederate cemetery, Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio; Confederate section, Greenlawn Cemeter , Indianapolis, Indiana; Confederate cemetery, Point Lookout, Miiryland, and Confederate cemietery, Rock lslalgmi, IlllDé){1E; $1,25306}] d M¤¤¤zr¤¤¤¤·=i¤ €¤¤¤ onuments or ta ets in a an ina; For re airs an res- °°d Chm°` ervélation of moéiulmnengs, éabletissroads, fenceis, audi géimigirth, Iliad; an cons ructe y the United States in Cu a an a to mar the places where American soldiers fell, $1,000. _ §{gg;,1}g¤Y;é,{\‘;{;ry Burial of deceased indigent Cpatients; For burying in the Little of pam-ms am; at Rock (Arkansas) National emetery, including transportation H° Wings H°*F""· thereto, indigent ex-soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex-marines of the United States service, either Regular or Volunteer, who have been honorabliyvgischzgged 0;.'II&€t1I`Q lang wléo die whili patientés it t§rebAr1n§ an 1 avy enera os 1ta , ot rin Ar ·ansas, o e is urse at a cost not exceeding $35 for sulizh Esuirial expenses in each case, exggsive of lopst of giggle, $200.V h f .mi¤n¤¤_ mam: in ton ationa mete , ir `az For the construction o C`£°»i1@i(lia’1¤itai$¤111ta»s. RCW to§ct facilities $l.2,00(),ry glm temp; <2_roux1dC¤·m— Rostrum for Battle Ground National Cemeterv, District of Colum- ” YQ,",;_,,,;gfi.,,, of ms. bia; For the construction of a rostrum at the Battle Ground (Dis-
- ·‘¤¤· trict of Columbia) N ational Cemete , including necessary material
and labor, in order to provide suitsilile place for holding memorial exercises, and so forth, $2,500. Memorial Ampm- Arlington Memorial Amphitheater and Chapel: For care and E,‘§?‘“’ °°°" ‘m‘”'·" maintenance of the Arlington Memorial Amphitheater and Chapel €°*'°·°°°· and grounds in the Arlington National Cemetery, Vir%iia, including a custodian at $1,200, $8,000, to be expended under the direction o the Secretary of War.