SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 235. 1920. 897 NATIONAL M1LrrAnY ranxs. m”*¤¤’P•**=’~ Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park: For con- c,2l§ g“ ““d tinuing the establishment of the park; compensation and expenses of civi ian commissioner, maps, surveys, clerical and other assistance, including $300 for necessary clerica labor under direction of the chairman of the commission· maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-propelled and one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle; office and all other necessary expenses; foundations for State monuments; mowing; historical tablets, iron and bronze; iron gun carriages; roads and their maintenance; purchase of small tracts of lands heretofore authorized by law, $50,000. Gettysburg National Military Park: For continuing the establish- G°“’“b"’g‘ ment of the park; acquisition of lands, surveys, and maps; constructing, improving, and maintaimngjgvenues, roads,_and bridges thereon; fences and ates; marking the es of battle wrth tablets and guns each tab1et%>earing a brie legend giving historic facts and compiled without censure and without praise; preserving the features p the battle lield and the monuments thereon; compensation of civilian commissioner, clerical and other services, expenses, and labor; purchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position; maintenance, repair, and czperation of at motorpro elled passenger-carrying vehicle, and all 0 er expenses incident to the foregoing, $65,000. _ _ Gmrronn Oomrrnousa Nxrroiur. Mmmuzr Pmx: For continuing <*¤¤‘¤¤¤*d<>¤¤f¢¤¤¤¤¤~ the establishment of a national {park at the battle field o Guilford Courthouse, in accordance with the Act entitled ‘ ‘An Act to V°'-3°·P·°°¤= establish a national military park at the battle field of Guilford Courthouse," approved Marc 2, 1917, $9,200. _ _ _ Sum Snrron Nxrroiur. MH.HARY_PABKZ For continuing the_ establish- ' ment of the park; compensation of secretary and super1ntendentclerical and other services; labor; historical tablets; maps and surveys; roads; purchase and transportation of su&phes, implements, and materials; foundatronsfor monuments_; office and ot_ er necessary expenses, including maintenance, repair, and operation of a motor-pro elledapassenger-carry1ni_veh1cle,_$22,435. _ webb Vicksburg Npatron Military Pa.rk:_ or contrnuing the establish- u"' ment of the park; compensation of civilian commissioners; clerrcal and other services, la or, 1ron gun carrragg, mounting of siege guns, memorials, monuments, markers, and t»0I'1C&l tab ets giving historical facts, com iled without praise and without censure; maps, surveys, roads, brigges, restoration of earthworks, purchase of lands, purchase and transportation of supplies and materials; and other necessary expenses, $30,000. mzemrzmn nnrnmmm. m§{;{¢*¤°°’ D°P°”‘ Buildin and ounds in and around Washin on: For improve- g,g,‘}§,‘lf“§o_ ° " d ment andisare of irublic gronnds, District of Colugbia, as follows :_ mff}P'°"°m°¤* °¤" For improvement and maintenance of grounds south of Executive Mansion, $4,000. For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, $2,000. For repair and reconstruction of the greenhouses at the nursery, $3,000. For ordinary care of Lafayette Park, $2,000. For ordinary care of girarélklin Park, $1,500. In P k $2 000 For im rovement an or `n care of Linco ar , . For cage and improvementutgf Monument Grounds and annex, M°°°m°°tG”°°°°S‘ $7 000. l•'or improvement, care. and maintenance of Garfield Park, $2,500.