PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. 1777 Br nm Pmasmmrr or rim Umrmn Srams or Aumuca A PROCLAMATION Whereas the Nebraska National Forest was enlarged by roclama- yg$]§'b,_N’°""" tion of the President of the United States dated July 19, I915; and ${_°f§§"°-mc Whereas, In order to pgovide for a proper adjustment of the claims 'p` ` of the State of Nebras to lands within said National Forest, in satisfaction of its common school grant, a memorandum of agreement was entered into under date of September 12, 1919, between the Secretary of the De artrnent of Agriculture and the Governor of the State of Nebrasga, yherebg it was agreed that the said State should relinquish allits title or c under its glrlant in aid of common schools to lands mcluded within the Nebraska ational Forest, the whole of certam sections sixteen and thirty-six, and be allow _ to select other lands equivalent in acreaée and value lying along and within the_ boundaries of said National orest, which are located in such position that, when eliminated therefrom, all of said selected lands will lie outside the new exterior boundaries of the National Forest; and . Whereas, It appears that the public interests would be promoted v°'°“°·’·""°‘ by modifying said Proclamation of July 19, 1915, so as to allow the State of Ne raska, in furtherance of the aforesaid agreement, to make selections of the lands agreed upon for selection, and hereinafter described, as indemnity in satisfaction of the aforesaid portions of its common school grant; · Am dim. N Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WHJSON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act ’ of Congress gpproved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitl , "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thutieth, eighteen hundred and ninety;-slight, and for other pu3>oses," do , proclaim that the said proc ation is hereb% modiii _ so as_to admit of immediate selection, by the State of Ne raska, as mdemmty bfg*,f§}:;*k·°;,,});¤°‘f,f in partial satisfaction of its common school grant and m furtherance ' of the before—mentioned agreement of September 12, 1919 and not otherwise, of the following described lands within the said Nebraska National Forest, to wit: "*°"¤“°** In T. 22 N., R. 28 W., Secs. 1 and 2; In T. 23 N., R. 28 W., E}4, SEM NWM and E}; SW}4 of Sec. 14, Secs. 23, 26 and 35; In T. 32 N., R. 30 W., SE}; Sec. 6, N% NEM NE}4, NWM NE}4 and SEM of Sec. 7, NE}4 NE}4, N% NW}4 NE}4, N}4 N}6 NW}4 and 8% of Sec. 8, Secs. 9 and 10, NE}4 NE}4, W% E}6 and W% of Sec. 15, Sec. 17, NE}4 of Sec. 18, Secs. 20 and 21, N}6 of Sec. 28, N% of Sec. 29; Sixth Principal Meridian. Provided, that all selections by the State of Nebraska hereunder ¤§m“’j°t;',g'Lb};{Q’ must be filed within ninety days from the date of this proclamation, and the lands embraced in selections made by the State of Nebraska
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