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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/345

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1776 PROcLAMATIONs, me. IN WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to ailixed. _ Done in the District of Columbia this 21st dag of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand me Hundred and [anu.] Nmeteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred Forty—Fourtl1. Woonaow Wnsou By the President Ronmvr Lmsme Secretary of State. N¤*•¤¤‘>•*¤·m°- Br rim Pnasmmrr or rmi Uurmn Snrrs or Anmmca. A PROCLAMATION. · °°°"" ’““"°· , section 2 of the act of Congress a roved October 20 ii>°¤I?¤i¥$¤¤· 1914 (38 Stat., 741), authorizes the mining ofpgoal from reserved areas in Alaska, under the direction of the President, when necessary by reason of the insufficieut su ply for national protection or relief from o ressive conditions andp ,

, it appears that the available sup ly of coal for domestic

and other uses in the Territory of Alaska, andp particularly in towns and settlements upon or near the line of the Government railroad in Alaska, is, by reason of existing conditions, inadequate and insuilicient. '

 NOW,  ORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United

mimiqodbiussn States of America, under and by virtue of said statute, do hereby gm, authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior, during the period of three years from the date hereof, to sell and dispose of s lus coal taken from the mines now being operated by the Alaskanu§)ngineer—· ing Commission, for supplying omestic and other local needs in the Territo . IN W NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed. Done in the District of Columbia this 22nd da of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and [sun.,] Nineteen and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Forty-fourth. Woomzow Wmsox By the President: Rosmrr Lausmu Secretary of Slate.