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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/355

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17 82 PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. V°*·3°·P-“5- and cgnigrgnogthjs M :, Iavs proiédgdaril th.9 Act ig. fC011€’i§$S en` ,‘ cttoas a ation 'cean oro er p oses " a roved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat., 535)., . A IR WHE EOE I have hereunto set my hand and . caused theseal of the United States to affixed. _ DONE in. the District of Columbia. This 19th day of December m ‘ the year of our Lord one thousand mne hundred and mne- [Slu.] teen, and of the dence of the United States of - America the one h ed and forty-fourth. ‘ _ » Woomzow Wrnson By the President: ‘ Ronanr Laxsme Secretary 1y' State. _ ·

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' Y A PROCLAMATION "xdwmdm ”“’“‘N‘*”‘Smm§¥S2·§MF§%¥»“$1h%%¥$%¥kT?£N““L“ms AND 7v¤°1.°:%*pp.° 451,1m, WHEREAS, in the exercise of authority committed me by law, ‘ “’·’ I have heretofore, through the Secretary of War, taken ossession of and have, through the Dxrector General of Railroadh, exercised control over certain railroads, systems of transportation and property appurtenant thereto or connected therewith; includi1§ systems of coastwise and mland translportation, engaged in gener transportatiolnt and own<idd<;;·M;c§1Strc; ed b§8»1d railrciads or systems of transpo a1on;1neu _ oermin ,termin dte 1 associations, sleeping and parlor cars, prigatggggrsamfnédatlpdvate cdr lmes, elevators, warehouses, telegraph and telephone lines, and all other eqmpment and appurtenances commonly used upon or operated as igéitsoffsuch railroads and sggtems of transgaortation; and _ 1 now eem it n and desira le~tha.t all railroads systems of transportati n d t d h Pm M r_un_re1e£n ¢0¤e01,1>¤ m1i¤qu1¤1ed°thei·`21e0IIi€°p °r Y mw un °r Su`: agree ta aims 1, NOW, THEREFORE, under authority of Section 14 of the v.;re,,...a. Federal Oolntrol Act appiroyed tgmh 21, 1918, and or all other owers an provisions o aw t b I W dr EVIISOD, President of the United S?a(ieg,Id:i ligxieblyugehdqnnshofrgg Federal control, effective the first day of March 1920 at 12:01 o’clock A. M. railroads, sgrstems of transportation and property, of whatever kind, taken or eld under such Federal control and not heretofegrtehrelmqmshgd, and restore the same to the possession and control _ o en- res ive owners. Director General I · · iwimas uu. ° Walker Hines, Director Gen 1 f Railr ds his ` {g,g¤u’ggcg¤l=‘mu;i¤I$lg office, is hereby authorized and iiliiiegted, theriiughoiiuch Salgeiiiigogxid . 1>¤e,p.1m. agencies as he may determine, in any manner not inconsistent with tins piglvisions of sai;] ilurig of March 21, 1918 to adjust, settle and c_0se matters, inc u the m ·` f , f tion, and alhguestions and dispxigf) wgtgdzghlisndtuitdmgifigfnaé out of or _1.nc1 ent to Federal control, until otherwise provided b proclamation of the President or by Act of Con ess· and enerally g>€:1l<;(;11ril)pe·1i1fo8r11::i fully iphall rzpectés as_ the ggresident ig author? _ 1 _ mgular e ac an thmgs m oigdep todcagy mto effect this proclamation lziililesiligyrglinggliiighf men o S8.1 r oads, systems of transportation and property.