PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. 1791 ions to which this Order a lies in like manner as if the had b first published within the df His Majesty’s Dominiohs to whiigh the i)aid Aictiexgendsz " rovi e t at the enjoyment b an work of the hts conferred by the Copyright Act, 1911, sliiall be conditional iiiin publication o the work in the Dominions to which this Order relates not later than six months after the termination of the war, and shall commence from and after such publication, which shall not be colourable only, but shall be intended to satisfy the reasonable requirements of the public. " 2. The provisions of Section 15 of the Co yright Act, 1911, as to_the delivery of books to libraries shall ap ly to works to which this Order relates u on their publication in the United Kingdom. " 8. In the case of) musical works to which this Order relates and provided that no contrivances by means of which the work may be mechanically performed have before the commencement of this Order been awfully made, or laced on sale, within the parts of His Majestys Dominions to whicfi this Order applies, copyright in the work s all include all rights conferred by the said Act with respect to the making of records, perforated rolls and other contrivances by means of which the work may be mechanically performed. " 4. This Order shall apply to all His Maj esty’s Dominions, Colonies, and Possessions with the exception of those hereinafter named, that is to say: The Dominion of Canada; The Commonwealth of Australia; The Dominion of New Zealand; The Union of South Africa; Newfoundland. ` " 5. Nothing in this Order shall be construed asdepriving any work of any rights which have been lawfully acquired under the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1911, or any Order in Council thereunder. " 6. This Order shall take effect as from the 2nd day of February, 1920, which day is in this Order referred to as the commencement of this Order. "And the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury are to give the necessary orders accordingly." NOW THEREFORE, I, lVoodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and roclaim 1. That one of the alternative conditions specified in Sections 1 (e) su{}{g·;§§,<>g;gg{1gg{_;{j and 8 (b) of the Act of March 4, 1909, and acts amendatory thereof, ain{orworks'pi1lili>}—···l including the Act of December 18, 1919, now exists and is fulfilled }E€”l`}'l`JilI,‘;fQ§H°§`.;l,"gQ§ and since February 2, 1920, has been fulfilled in respect to the sub- "Q33‘*g;*QQ·‘j,,-, W-, `ects of Great Britain and the British Dominions, Colonies, and .4nii,j~il109." l’ossessions, with the exception of the self governinr Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and &`Newfoun'dland, and that such British subjects are entitled to all the benefits of the Copyright Act of March 4, 1909, and the acts amendatory thereof, including the Act of December 18, 1919, for all of their works first mblished in Great Britain between August 1, 1914, and before the l’resident’s proclamation of peace, and not already republished in the United States: Provided that the enjoyment by any work of the rights and benefits C°¤di¤¤¤$· conferred by the Copyright Act of March 4, 1909, and the acts amendato thereof, including the Act of December 18, 1919, shall be conditionzily upon compliance with the requirements and formalities prescribed with respect to such works by the copyright laws of the United States before the expiration of fifteen months after the date of the President’s proclamation of peace, and shall commence from and after compliance with those requirements, constituting due registration for copyright in the United States. 2. That in the case of musical works to which this proclamation chggiggffxgigemjjegg; relates, and provided that no contrivances, including records, perfo— ducuons. rated rolls and other devices by means of which the work may be
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