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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/368

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1792 PROOLAMATION S, 1920. hauieall- ormed, have been lawfully made or placed on sale $i°tl1in the States before Ifebruary 2, 1920é0copynght shall include the special benefit of Section 1 (e) of the pyrrght Act of March 4, 1909, namely " copyright controlling the parts of instruments servu§' to reproduce mechamcally the musical work. w§*=**°* ,“'*°*';, ,,_,§'°$ 3. otheiglm this lparloclamation shall be construed to abrogate or mam. limit any ts and efits conferred under the reciprocal arrangements with Great Britam or its self-governix Domimons providing _ for copyright protection heretofore proclaim . th 2nd d f F b- w§f°°¤"°F°"'°*'¥’· Tluslgrécaclamation shall take eEect as from e ay 0 e


lg TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. _ _ Done in the District of Columbia this tenth day of A(pr1l, m the year of 0'Il1'L01`d one thousand nine hundred an twenty and of [sun.] the Indp§dence of the United States of *America the one hun and forty-fourth. ` Woonnow WHBON By the President: Bamnnmon Comer Secrcmry of State. -*1¤¤”·m°· Br rim Pnnsmmrr or rim Umrrzn Srxras or Anmmoa A PROCLAMATION “°"°§,§g"’°‘° “°‘ WHEREAS, certain lands within the States of Virginia and West

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` I 36 P m hum mod elhven (36 (Stat., Qlfill, entitled "An Act To enable gy State tcp cooperate with an); other Sltaitieg, <}r Stateslsr with the Unged t tes, or the protection o waters e o navxga e streams a t appoint a colpixnissionggp thef acquisigpn of lands fog the pu.i·p<;e of co servin the na a `ty o naviga e rivers"; an liNHER§KAS, it valgpears that the public good will be promoted by reserving and setting apart said lands as a public forest reservation, and the same have een desi ated by the Secretary of Agriculture _ as the Menon ahela Nationaligorest; g,,1;,;·*m¤*;·;·_g·g·$¥_;; p lfIOWé'l‘H l§REFORE, I, WOQDROW WILSON,_President of the agp, as m United tates of America, by virtue of the power m me vested by Vgll2li,%.11(l3. section eleven of said Act and by section twenty-four of the Act of Mgreeglp e1$teen]hundre(•ilfand xilinety-one, entiged "An Act To re III.! r—c ure lawsan orot er urpo ", l' tht there are hereby reserved and set apart ag a puslilalic fo1?e§ti·(i·e(is:11$ati<i1n all of said lands_with1n the area shown as the Monongahela National gp;-Sino? tgp zpgtzicllagd hgreto and mage a part hereof, and a an erein w c ve ee ft be d by the United States under authority of (slaidmgct gxfeglaggh iirasttfiiluilneieteen hundred and eleven, shall be §ermanently reserved and administe1i¢;Il as Hart <g§he Mo§<§1(g%h§l§ atiional Forest. h , ave ereuntoset my and and caused theseal ftheU `ted St t t b flix d. DONl§in the lS1istrictii>fc%ol)uni%bi1a tliis 28th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, [sum,.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-fourth. By the Prwidenv Woomzow Wuson Baxxnnrncn ·COLBY Secretary of State.