1806 PBOCLAMATION S, 1920. Ar¤¤¤¤¤¤¤1¤·1 Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United v°"°°’°‘ lm State of America,db&i;vli1it1ute1Lgi>lfdthe pmr 115; vlesteéi by téhe Actég Dgmss , e n un an nme y-one · gait., 109§Feri;ti;tled, "$d.L1 Act Tpllgegeal tpntljer-culture laws, Gang for versa, .sa th " d b t ct o ongress approv unc P ?0u;Th? ,hf§1dred(:1n<I7nin(:>ty-seven (30 Stat., 11 at and 36); anti ed "An Act_Making appropriations forsundry civil expenses of the Government for the Escal year ending June tlurtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other pmiposes", do proclaim that the a;>1o§e-described areas are hereby ad ed to the said Ark N f r t. GNN, ,*¤¤¤'**¢¤°¤¤·* Thagsgréithdrizild miidcg b this proclamation shall, as to all lands which are at} this date approplriated) the dpulpihp ltcws ed u urpose esujec cans nomrigrgejvilli or dzfggg 15%:11 rigllits undbr such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such pub c purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such {appropriation is egally mamtamed or such reservation remains m _ MPN. WITNElSSf I hzvebhereunto set my hand and caused the o n1 tates o e a . . Done in Ke D§strict of Columtlijia thisd19th dry gc in the earo our one thousand nine un an twen y [sun.] {nd of the Independence of the United States the one ‘ hundred and forty-fifth. W W . oonnow n.soN By the President: ' Bammzmon Comsr Secretary of State. O,,,,,,,,,;,,,',,m_ BY um Pmesmmvr or 'mn U1~rrrm> Srryrms or Aimmca _ A PROCLAMATION FS¤¤;¤NFg{ National WHEREAS, it appears that the public good will be romoted by °S?°§.;m;;;.,_”" adding certain lands to the Santa Fe National Forest, in}New Mexico, and by excluding certain areas therefrom and restoring the public ,;,,,,,,,,4;; lands subject to dilslposition therein in the manner authorized by Public Resolution umber Twenty-nine, approved February four- -~·~¤~¤ “°?§‘€}‘w““rnnR°“°“ i;“§3§i·i “i° °'i€3lltRcw wnscn Pr -.1 I 7 ) Y es t' of the Urnited States of America, bg virtue of the power in me viasgld vows, p. noe. by the Act of Congress approve March third, eighteen hundred _ and ninety-one (26 tat., 1095), entitled, "An Act To repeal timber- ‘°‘·°°· 1*-36- culture laws, gnjl forfotheg p\i.rp`oses,’i1angra5so bg the Act of Conessa rove une ourt ,e t I1 un t (30 $.1., BIH., at and 36>,...aa.Z1`€ Act Minig %P“$‘3S,.l-€‘€lZf.{2 ar sundry civil expenses of the Government for the seal year ending June thirt1eth, e hteen hundred and ninety-e` ht, and for other L"“‘“ ““°‘“°· pu.Eposes," do prolglaim that the NW}; NE}; anlg NWM of Sec. 29, i1>nMN};Q S1?V%>andicl;T?tSE};iof Séec. 30, ‘.§4t1N., RAIFW., hg . ,are ere ya e oan ma ea ar o esai ores,a "'*‘“°‘°‘“"°'L that the following described lands are helieby excluded therefrom? In T. 25 N., R. 1 E. 8}/ Sec. 31; In T. 24 N., R. 1 'Wi, NE}; Sec. 1 NE};, NE}; SW};, S}; SW}; and SE}; Sec. 2, E}; NE};, NE}; SEM and S}; SEM Sec. 10, NW}; Sec. 11 NW}; Sec. 15, S}; NEM, E}§ SW}; and SE}; Sec. 16, . NE}; S}; NW}; and SW}; Sec. 21; ' In T. 25 ., R. 1 W., NE}; SE}; and S}; SE}; Sec. 36;
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