PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. 1807 New Mexico Principal Meridian. is 'l`he withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands Pricrlezalrightsnot which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land °H°°t°d' laws or reserved for any public purpose, be sub`ect to, and shall not interfere with or defeat lie al rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such p1§blic urpose of lands so reserved, so long as suchappropriation is legallly maintained, or such reservation remams in orce. And I do further proclaim and make known that pursuant to the ,,p§,§,,Q’1"}§°g},,,,{,§,{*¤‘},§ aforesaid Public Resolution, it is hereby ordered that the public lands by ¤>¤-¤¤¤"i¤¤ mw vi in the excluded areas, subject to valid rights and the provisions of iia;ild W"' M 63 an existing withdrawal for coal classification and to the conditions applicable to lands so withdrawn, shall be opened onl to homestead an desert land entry by qualified ex—service men oiy the War with Germany, under the terms and conditions of said resolution and the regulations issued thereunder, for a period of sixty-three days, beginmng with the sixty-third day from and after the date hereof, and thereafter to appropriation under any public land law applicable thegg&,¤°¤°'¤' 'WS ' thereto by the general public. Subsequent to the date hereof and ` prior to the date of restoration to general disposition as provided erein no rights may be acquired to the exclude lands by settlement ibn adysiilnce of entry, or otherwise except strictly in accordance erewit . Pros ctive ap licants ma , during the period of twenty days Btguing °*’*’"°°“°"‘· precediiicg the datg on which the lands shall become subject to entry, selection or location of the form desired under the provisions of this roclamation, execute their applications in the manner (provided by l)aw and present the same, accompanied gy the re uire payments, to the United States land office at Santa e, New Mexico, in person by mail, or otherwise, and all applications so filed, together wit such as may be submitted at the hour iixed, shall be treated as though simultaneously filed and shall be dis osed of in the manner rescribed by existing rzgulations. Under such regulations conflicts of e ual hts will be etermined b a drawing. IN VEIINESS WIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this thirtieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sam.,] twenty, and of the Indegafendence of the United States the one hundred and forty- th. W W oormow ILSON By the President: NORMAN H. Davrs ictivig Secretary of State. A PROCLAMATION ot·mi»•·m. WHEREAS, under and by virtue of an Act of Congress entitled gggruibb "An Act to provide further or the national security and defense by i' encouraging the production, conservmrr the supply and controlling the distribution of food {products and ii1el’i, approved by the President on the 10th day o August, 1917, it is provided among other th` ¤·s as follows: H];I'hat by reason of the existence of a state of war, it is essential §$§,¤g;>¤g gggxiSi¤¤» to the national security and defense, for the successful prosecution ’ i `
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