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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/389

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1808 PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. d for the su rt and maintenance of the Army and Natvlytj an adequalfgcsuppl and equitable_d1str1bution, and to facilitate the movement of ood_s, feeds, fuel, including fuel _01k and natural gas, fertilizerand fertilizer mgredients, tools, utensils, implements machinery and equipment for actual production of foodh, feeds, and fuel, hereafter in act called necessaries; _ to prevent, locally or generally, scarc1ty monopohzation, hoarding, injurious speculation, manipulations, and private controls, affecting such supply, distribution, and movement; and to establish and mamtain governmental control of such necessaries during the war. For such purposes the instrumentahtnes, means, methods, powers, authorities, duties, obligations, and prohibitions hereinafter set forth are created, establiéied, conferred, and prescribed. The Pres1dent is authorized to make such regulations and_to imue such orders as are essential effectively to carry out the provisions of this act." AND, WHEREAS, it is fm·ther provided in act as follows: _ VOI.40,p.ZTI. "That, from time to time, whenever the President shall find It essential to license the importation, manufacture, storage, lD.1l1.1.I;g or distribution of any necessaries in order to carry mto effect any o the purposes of this Act, and shall, publicly so announce, no person shall, after a date fixed in the announcement, engage in or carry on any such business specified in the announcement of importation, manufacture, storage, mining, or distribution of any necessaries as set forth in such announcement, unless he shall secure and hold a license issued pursuant to this section. The President is authorized to issue such icenses and to prescribe regulations for systems of accounts and auditing of accounts to be ke t by licensees, submission of reports by them, with or without oatli) or affirmation and the entry and inipection biylithe President’s duly authorized agents of the places of usmess officensees." _ AND WHEREAS, by virtue of the above rovisions certain public announcements were made by the Presidiint from time to time as a result of which the importation, manufacture, storage and distributxon of certain necessanes were licensed. AND WHEREAS, a" changed situation has been brought about by the presenit griniistice in the war between thefUlr:ited States and Ger- '_ _ man , an yt ea roach1ng' ex irationo the wers granted to Am P 3% the President bg an Iiiit of Congresg entitled "An gist to provide for the national we _ are by continuing the United States Sugar Equalization Board nmtnl December 31, 1920 and for other purposes", ap- ` _ th H proved by the President on the 31st da of December, 1919. ¤.;.§.':,°‘f°§i“‘S,.,M Now, Tnnnnroau, 1, woomzbw w11soN, President or éS‘°°;§§,*f" ¤° l°¤¢°’ the United States of America, b virtue of the Powers conferred uggn me b said Act of Congressyiiereby find and determine and by t PROCiiAMA_ TION do announce that it is no lo er essential in order to carry into effect the purposes of the Act that ill§e im rtation, manufacture, storage or distribution of certain necessaries gsubject _ to license, to the extent hereinafter specified. ‘·‘m“· ‘“"°°'°‘*· Licenses heretofore r uired for the importation, manufacture storage or distribution gi] certain necessaries are hereby cancelled; Impmm em M effective November 15, 1920, with respect to the following: iégumma prodixcts All persons, firms, corporations or associations engaged in the busi- $'°,_,0’p_,,m_ ness o xmportmg, manufacturing, storing or distributing sugar, or Regmtimmmled anglproduct pr by-product of the foregoing named necessary. pgs November 15, _ _ regulations issued under' the said Act covering licensees so deal- · péggn these commodities are hereby canceled, effective November 15,