PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. 1 81 1 agreement, or law, to citizens of the United States the benefit of copyright on substantiall the same basis as to its own citizens, or copyright protection substantially equal to the protection secured to suc foreign author under this Act or by treaty; or when such foreign state or nation is a party to an international eement which provides for reciprocityyin the anting of copyrightfigly the terms of which agreement the nited §t-ates may, at its pleasure, become a party thereto: _ AID WHEREAS it is further provided by the Act of Congress ,,,,¥',,g’,'{“°“§§’,§‘,,‘}fg”°§’,f§, approyed December 18, 1919, " that all works made the subject of Wgglgwegg copyright by the laws of the United States first produced or ub- 'p` ` lis ed abroad after August 1, 1914, and before the date of the Plfesident’s proclamation of peace, of which the authors or proprietors are citizens or subjects of any foreign state or nation granting similar protection for works by citizens of the United States, the existence of which shall be determined by a copyright proclamation issued by the President of the United States, sh be entitled to the protection conferred by the copyright laws of the United States from and after the accomplishment, before the expiration of fifteen months after the date o the President’s proclamation of peace, of the conditions and formalities prescribed with respect to such works by the copy- right laws of the United States: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive any person of any right which he ma have acquired by the republication of such foreign work in the llnited States prior to the approval of this Act." AND WHEREAS the President is authorized to determine and declare by proclamation the existence of similar protection for works by citizens of the United States as the purposes of the Act may re uire; _ _ (AND WHEREAS satisfactory official assurance has been given m§ff‘§,“D§,{m§',f{°'“‘ by the Government of Denmark that the Royal decrees of Febru 22, 1913, issued by virtue of the authority conferred by the Danisrh Copyright Law of April 1, 1912, extending to American authors the rig ts and privileges conferred by that law (including reproduction by mechanical instruments an cinematographic representation), were not cancelled during the war and that if protection is granted in the United States to works by Danish authors which have been published during the war, protection in Denmark for American authors would take effect automaticallyé NOW THEREFORE, I, WOODRO WTLSON, President of the ,,,§f,'§,‘§"},§"‘§§’{,‘,‘},$,f‘,,§§ United States of America, do hereby declare and proclaim {<;;myly¢¤0ty¤¤¤1;,*:_g_<; 1. That one of the alternative conditions specific in Sections 1 (c) August, ii iiii, ana and 8 (b) of the Act of March 4, 1909, and acts ainendatory thereof, "°{».§{{ °;{‘,,°°‘},,;`?°°{5'%‘5., including the Act of December 18, 1919, now exists and is fulfilled *07];,,, nm in respect to the subjects of Denmark, and that_such Danish sub- ' jects are entitled to all the benefits of the Copyright Act of March 4, 1909, and the acts amendatory thereof, including the Act of December 18, 1919, for all of their works first published in Denmark between An t 1, 1914, and before the Presidents proclamation of eace, andglfisot already republished in the United States: __ Provided that the enjoyment by any work of the rights and bene °°“"‘“°’“· fits conferred by the Co yright Act of March 4, 1909, and the acts amendatory thereof, inclhding the Act of December 18, 1919, shall be conditional upon compliance with the requuements and formalities rescribed with respect to such works by the copyright laws of the United States before the expiration of fifteen months after the date of the Presidents proclamation of peace, and shall commence from and after compliance with those requirements, constituting due registration for copyright in the United States.
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