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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/394

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  • PP“°°“°’3 ‘° m°’ 2. That in the case of musical works to which this p1'00l8¤18$10¤

£s?°“w”Pm relates, and provided that no contrivances, including records, perforated rolls and other devices by means of which the work may be mechanically performed, have been lawfugllfy made or placed on sale within the United States before the date this proclamation, copy- v°l‘°5’°' wm right shall include the special benefit of Section 1 (e) the Copy- right Act of March 4, 1909, namely "co£yright controlling the parts . of instruments serving to reproduce mec amcally the musical work. ,§,§"‘” 3. Nothinglin this roclamation shall be construed to abrogate or

 limit any- ts and liieneiits conferredjmder the reciprocal arrange-

°` ’P` ments witiil§)enmark heretofore proclaimed. _ th‘Iz§Ql‘5st§mtplnyUWl£xé•(aie§>{, fishing; h set my hand and caused o e m a e . _ Done in the District of Columbia this ninth day of December m the year of our` Lord one thousand nme hundred and [smL.] twenty and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and Forty-fifth. Woonnow Wmsou By tllixe Presid¢%1t:D · OBHAN E Avis s Acting Secretary of State.

 Br um Pnmsmnnr or rmt Unrmn Sums or Aumuca

v A PROCLAMATION. ` p£Z§2:°“;d,§f,“°Y{',‘{{ WHEREAS, it appears that certain of the lands, within the State Wgygmm of Idaho, described m the Act of Congress approved June fifth, nine- A~¢.p.1n¤a teen hundred and twenty (41 Stat., 1056), which have been found under the terms of said act to be chiefly valuable for the production of timber or for_ the grotection of stream flow, should be added to Ar the Caribou National orest; _ _ °°°°'"‘°°‘ NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America bg} virtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid Act of June th, nineteen hundred and twenty, entitled "An Act To authorize the addition of certain lands to the Caribou National Forest/’ do proclaim that the Caribou National Forest is hereby enlarged to inc ude the areas indicated as additions on the hereto annexed and forming a part hereof. ,,,;'{‘§,{°$“‘ "‘¢*'*°’°‘°° The W1 drawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands embraced in any valid application or entry pending at the date of the approval of the aforesaid Act, or reservation for any public purpose, sub;ect_to, and shall not interfere with or defeat liegal rights under such application or entry, nor prevent the use for such piilic purprése of laids so reserved, so long ais such claims are legally maintame or suc reservation remains m orce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done m the District of Columbia this 9th da of December in the year of 0l11' Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, [sur.] and doéd the gridepergelpce of the United States the one un an orty- t . Woonnow Wusou By tig? Presideiptl) ommx . avis Acting Secretary of State.