PROCLAMATIONS, 1921. 1817 long as such_a11propriation is legally maintained. or such reservation rsriiaénsfin lprce. 1 ' An 0 urt er proc aim and make known that Excluded ands aforesaid Public Resolution, it is hereby ordered iiliiiiiutlhld giiuigS<:rii<ieit§$°i>i lands in the excluded areas subject to valid rights, shall be opened rigid wm M 63 only to_entry under the homestead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the War with Germany, under the terms and conditions of said resolution and the regulations issued thereunder for a period of sixty-three days be ` with the sixth-third day from and after the ate hereof, and thereafter to appropriation under ,hl,{.'§§1§§,,g°“°‘°l ““" any public land law applicable thereto by the eneral public. Sub· U sequent to the date hereof and prior to the ite of restoration to general disposition as provided herein no rights may be acquired to the excluded lands by settlement in advance of entry, or otherwise exce§>t strictlg in accordance herewith. I WIT WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done in the District of Columbia this 3rd day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty- {sian,.] one, and of the Independence of the United States tile one hundred and forty-fifth. Woomzow Wrnsou By the President: Bnxamnon Coun Secretary of State. Br me Pnnsrnnxr or rim Uivrmn Sawrns or Azvmnrca. umn 3.1921. ` A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, The Secretary of Agricultiue, by virtue of the t P¢·1te~gi¤¤ of misreauthority vested in him by Section three of the Migrato Bird Treaty °i»§.-iilniiie. _ Act (40 Stat., 755), has submitted to me for approvlali, regulations {,§{j§§g*,§jQ’§",,;,_ further amendatoryl of the regulations aplproved and proclaimed An¢¢,p. 176+ July 31, 1918, whic the Secretary of Agric ture has determined to be suitable amendatory regltggtions permitting and governing the hunting, taking, capture, kil , possession, sale, purchase, shipment, trans ortation, carriage and export of said birds and parts thereof and their nests and eggs, which said amendments are as follows: Regulation 3, as amended by Proclamation dated Ju1y 28, 1919 b,g{1g¤¤$ *0* ¤·¤¤¤ (-11 Stat., lst Session, Pt. 2, p. 24), is hereby further amen ed so as to .4»}»,p. lT¢M,mnnndread as follows: _ _ _ _ NL Regulation 3.-The migratory game buds specified m Regulation 0nFt·£y;b;r¤,·;j{*¢¤*¤¤* 4 hereof mav be taken durinv the open season with a gun only, not va.4o, larger than No. 10 gauge, fired: from the shoulder, except as specifically permitted by Regulations 7, 8, 9, and 10 hereof; they may be taken during the open season from the land and water, with the aid of a dog. the use of decoys, and from a blind or floating devrce (other than_an airphme, power boat, sail boat, any boat un er sail, or any Boating Bdsirplaneacw-. mddeviee towed by power boat or sail oat; and no airplane, power boat, ' sail boat, any boat under sail, or any floating device towed by power boat or sail boat, shall be employed by any person in aid of the taking bv him or any other person of said migratory game birds, by flushing; driving, pursuing or himting the same, or in the retrieving of suc birds as are wounded or dead). _ _ Regulation 5, as amended by Proclamations dated October 25, x<;**;:_{>;6a8§jx1e¤d_ 1918 (40 Stat., 1863), and July 28, 1919 (41 Stat., lst Session, Pt. 2, ea. ’ p. 24), is hereby further amended so as to read as follows:
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