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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/403

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1818 PROCLAMATION S, 1921. Baz www lurtlwr ation 5.—B limits on certain migratory game birds. miighhiwarsnma gegiallrson may takg in any one day duriigg the oplen seasons pre- °"‘ scribed therefor in Regulation 4 not to excepthe fo owing num ers of migratory gamebirds, which numbers shall mclude all birds taken by anyoother glerson who for hire accompanies or assists him 1u taking gpg: ir : _ cksrdexcept wood duck and eider ducks) .—-Twenty-five in the egate of all kinds. ~ _ aggeese.—Eight in the aggregate of all kmds. Brant.——Eight. _ _ Rails, coot, and gallinules (except sora) .—-Twenty-five 111 the aggregate of all kinds. Sora.-—I•`1ity. Black-bellied and golden plovers and greater and lesser yellowl .-—Fifteen in the aggregate of all kinds. 6g'$Vilson snipe, or jacksnipe.—Twonty-five. Woodepck.—Six.) Tw t E . Doves mourning .— en — ve vox. 40, p. U65. Regulation 9, as amended by Proclamation dated October 25, 1918 °”’“`°°°' (40 Stat.,· 1863) is hereby further amended so as to read as follows; m§¤¢¤¤i¢¤ M ¢¤¤¤¤*· Regulation 9.-—Permits to collect migratory birds for scientific DE urposes.

 °,§,;u,,§§ P A person may take in any manner and at any time miiatory birds

¤¤=· and their nests and for scientific purposes when authorized bija permit issued by thdgretary, which penmt shall be carried on _ s person when he is collecting specimens thereimder and shall be exhibited to any person requesting to see the same. - m;gy¤¤g;**¤¤¤, ,,'°,,S°°· Application for a permit must be addressed `to the Secretary of ` agriculture, Washington, D. C., and must contam the followmg ` ormation: Name and address of applicant, his age, and name of State, Territory, or District in which specimens are proposed to be taken and the purpose for which they are intended. Each application shall be accompanied by certificates from two well-known ornithologists that the applicant is a fit person to be intrusted with a permit. mmmucn or nu- The permit ma limit the number and species of birds, birds’ nests °‘°""’ °“ "°'”'"“°‘ or eggs that may ge collected thereunder and may authorize the holder thereof to possess, buy, sell, exchange, and transport in any manner and at any time migratory birds, parts thereof and their nests and for scientific purposes; or it may limit the holder to one or more diasliese privileges. public museums, zoological parks and societies, and pub IC scientific and educational institutions may possess, buy, sell, exchange, and transport in any manner and at any time migratory birds and parts thereof, and their nests and eggs for scientific purposes without a permit, but no specimens shall be taken without a permit. The plumage and skins of migratory game birds legally ta en mav be possessec and transported by a person without a permit. {giigegpgggém A taxidermist when authorized by a permit issued by the Secretary ° ’ may possess, buy, sell, exchange, and trans rt in any marmer and at any time migratory birds and parts thereoixlegally taken, or he mav be limited to one or more of these privileges. ` m¤¤¤;¤0gi¤§é•$r¤ML=. Each permit shall gpire on the thirty-first day of December suc- " ceeding its issuance ess otherwise s ecified therein, shall not be transferable, and shall be revocable at tge discretion of the Secretary. A person holding a permit shall report to the Secre on or before Januar? 10 following its expiration the number 0;,]%:1:1, nests, or eggst/G3 each species collected, bought, sold, exchanged, or transpor . “*'¤¤¤ °’ P**‘**€~‘>° Every pack ¤·e in which m` ato birds or their nests or e are aaai. mq transplorted shihdl have clearlylgarnd ginspicuously marked on tggsoutside thereof the name and address of the sender, the number of the