INDEX. _ A- PMB- Aclcounts, Raigoad, Page. ’ , t than rescribed b I - Abandoned Wife or Child, D. C., _ eepméiaé C?_;nm8rcepC0mmj$i0¤T“Dl;l$. appropriation for payment to destitute 94, iu] _____ _ _________________________ 493 864, 1136 Ackemum, Emil A., AbIritt,_ Carnk: (widow), A pension increased .. . . 1599 p61181011- . . . , ,,,,________ _ _ _____ 1430 ooustwg, Abbott, _Im11kma (mem), appropudizxion for gpplping principles of, to pension increased . ... 1615 _ taryau in I1BU'l8l' urposes. 683, 1302 Abel, Arma 1), (wgiipw), Board of (seealioard og Actuaries). nsion . ..._... 1498 wv?/, _01{emment, eamry apartment Alliegdem, Md., sppropmuon for . ...,. 043,1264 appropriation for operating, etc., Govern- Adm', R- (MDM"), ment house at . ... 223 ($7:31011. ._ . : 1540 Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army, A , Elgnna (zmdmv), appropriation for care, mle, etc., of crops Amvu . .> ... 1474 on ,,.,.,.,,..,,.,,,,,_,,,, 114 , u a r. w ou· , for steel han§ar for airship . 894 P9D$10¤: ... . . . . 1500 for coal trest e, etc. . .. 1384 Adam, Gilbert, for railroad roundhouse . . . . 1384 mon 1567 Ab°’“?"" · - - - - A1 d’ Jiiuil g" mr punishment for 1mporl:u1g, shipping in A ,1111 11*} ,.11 · ···-·-·-·--·--·-·---·----· interstate commerce, artic es, etc., ed · °." T? l to pmdpcg _________ U _______________ 1060 Ar empgpn ouiipist ponds . 1476 Abortum of Ammals, Corntagwus, d“"’1·"`; ra ( m'#)» appropriation for researches for prevent- A'E;11°,1}.: · 2, ····························· 1579 1%, em 240, 700,1320 r ”¢* 0·» - Absaroka ational Forest, Mont., A §’°11111°11)%-·,;é—··w-I ·················· 1<>96 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 248, mgggé ul · (1* ”" )~ 1595 9 · ·.·.. ... .. · · 4b_ _ 1. Z V 707’13°'6 Arijison Railroad Company. · “"1" ." ”» 1 · J··. . may bridge Lake ( hamplain. Shoreham, prelrminagy examination, etc., of, to be wm VL to TiC0ndG,,0ga’ N_ Y___ ____ ___ 551 ma 9 ············ · ·······•········ Adjournment of Congress, Abt, Williqvn, ordered, Jima 5, 1920 _... 1639 pension increased ...- 1618 Adjoummmt of the House of Reprmmauiw, Alfyfwirlg. fr I t_ t h t 0l`d8Y8(la1\;1g\1Sl. 2, 1919 . 1632 1¤¤P0 118 Om. ¤¤< HP0? 1¤ 0, W 8*1 rescin oc . . .. 632 and wheat flour, prohihizted; excep· I F9 Adjutant Generalk lhportnwnt, Army, h 1 110118 .--- - -.·----·-·----·- · --~···-- 7·> appropriation for cont.ingon<·io¢~, ow - _cuncele<1; ---»· . · -···-··-·--···-—-···· 1773 quarters of milimry departments, Approved, Rrnlrwu. <·l¢··. etc . 10e=,9r»0 appropriation for securing !‘0p0l'1S 01L and officers composing . , . . 7% rnvestigzurng ... 119, 889, 1380 functions of Personnel llureaiu of ., . . . 765 A m' _ A _ territorial commanders, etc, 765 Lcl·ei1ti:>,i1gof account of adv:mces" Adjutant GmrrnI's Ojiirv, Har Drparrmnu, for disbursements ____ _ ____________ 975 appropriation for clerks. etc., arranging Acrouming O_[/'ieers of the Trmsury, D draft registration records, etc _1 10, 1277 deficiency aggrgpriation for paying clggrrzs 344 for ggmpoaary employees: pay !‘8Stf1C· 658 1'tiii . , `, , 011, 9 C --···--· · -·--····-·---···· ce 34%, 5g1_ ]038_ 1040, IO44, 11873, 1189 for clerks, etc . . . _659, 1277 credit; wgm given Eyy au? Marine Corps for itilditional employees; pay I§1Z!'lC· pn dis ¤ ce r e ergenc r 011 ... - ·.-----·---··----·--··- 2-·‘· payrizusriltgi tg ofiilserglgndmemmed for completing selective draft records. 9-1 dur-in riod o e war .. 1’3 6 0 ----.--··---··-·-—-· - --·----- - 9 perioHd€speci1ie<§;I;>fi;1yments excluded 1§3 amount from apprpgriation for care, etc., to relieve Navy disbursing officers from of draft reco _ s. available for clerks of funds, etc., ig line of duty, with- 7 to birfrxiggh rnformatéon from de- 509 out personal fa t, etc . . 13;. _ mo 1 rz army recor s . . . Accounts and Dzlrbursmnenzs Division, Depart- axrgnmeniiloi teréporary clerks for work 509 ment of Ayricuilure. _ on suc reco s .. , . appropriation for chief. clerks, etc.. 258, 717, 1336 Adjuzants Generaigf the States, _ _ Accounts Diz~i.s·ion, Department of Justabe, to be statements of military Y appropriation for chief. clerks. etc . 677, 1296 service of persons rn the states 110. 9ol 44282°»-vor. -11-1*1: 2--28 1825
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