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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/408

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1826 INDEX. Aaim, [anon, Page Admiralty Cause:-Continued. _ Pago. ' . 1537 death on the h seas etc. provisions for_ Agengnmiggatwn of Estates, D. C'., _ _ suits inmdistrictdcourts for damages pesons entitledto, of intestates;survwing resulting from wrongful acts, etc., husband added ... . _ 56 1 _ thereon. ._ .-··· 537 distribution of estat; oggtlestate, to widow 563 Admiralty Proceedings, _ _ H em-vivin ns . - provisions govermng against s rovisildlns for of dgeceased wife, stricken out 567 arising during ’F eral control of

 brands of the Goncmment, transportation.: .. _. 461

mrvey directed of activities of, by Joint agent for, to be designated by the Presi- Committee on Reorganization, to dent . . 461 determine eflicient and economical AdulteratedFoodr Drugs, etc., _ _ distribution of work. . Z . . .. 1083 appropriation for detection of, District of duplicate enrollment and signatures au- Columbia . z ; ... 90, 860, 1131 thorized of resolution creating Joint for expenses preventing sale of. . . 254, 712, 1331 . Adm Coénmittee on Reorganization of 1642 Advertwernerttr, { { 51 f I uw mms a ropna' tion or, o es 0 n provhom toship mortgages . 1000 PP lands ... . . 414, 1231 vese|sandcargoesofUnited States owner- for Public Health Service prohibited; . ship, etc., exempt from sdzure. . . . 525 exceptions . . . 508 not applicable to Panama Railroad ofliquors by anymethod,unlawfu1 .. 313 Company 525 pflce lists of authorized business etc libels in if mer- excepted 313 _ chant yemel or_tug .. :.. 525 not aps 'cable to foreign newspapers gurxdrcnon m district courts; service 526 of m fed to this country {1}; . 313 process .. . .. . .. eans o unlawful man , e . in actions by the United States, partim of intoxicating liquor, unlawful .. 313 · allowed cross bills or offsets 526 Advertising, D. C'., transfer of causes on application of either 526 for general ,.. 74, 843, 1114 party. . .. or ti tax arr ... 74 843, 1114 uuitstofollow procedureasbetween private det'iciIdl,ic;ea(ppro;;•1€i;1;ion(ll:>ll·sgeneml. - . 38 parties 526 for notices of taxes in arrears ,, 38, 590 decrees may include costa; interest. 526 Aerial Opcratakma, Army and Navy, action in rem if libellant so elect .. 526 land bases under control of Army Air Servno bond required of the United States. - 526 ice, md fleet operations, including cancellationifheretofore given .. 526 shore stations, under Naval Aviaasumption of liability; payment of tion ,,. 954 decree 526 Aerologioal Stations, private vessels formerly Government appropriation for maintenance, etc 697, 1317 owned, attached for causes arising Acronautwb Engineering, thereunder, to released . z . i . 526 appropriation for standardizing apparatus, amumption of 11ab1l1ty by the United etc., used in , .. 682, 1301 _ _States.  : .. 526 details of Army officers for instructiomin, limitation of suitsauthorized hereby .. 526 at schools, etc., authorized .. 594 legalexemgtionmetc., applicable . 527 tuition, technics.] supplies, etc., to be ggmurg 3 road of vgggelg and cargggg, fu_r¤jghgd_ __ _______________ _ ______ 594 Govemrqent owned, etc ... . 527 Aemnmaie, Nat1bnalAdviaory Committee fer, consul to_cla1m immunity, etc .. 527 appropriation for ex uses 180, 889, 1381 execution of bond, etc., by_ . . 527 operating Langlgy Memorial Laboraenter apptiarange m suits against 5 A tory .,.,,,,,,__,,,... . ,,,_,_,,,___ 1381 masters ereo 27 eronaut' , N is A ti N arraxigement for sureties on credit of deliciehcd amy, Tinting fo? .?Il.(..?lq)l 522 illwd Sf·¤·f·B¤ ·... . .. _. . . . . . 527 Acrophme payrgent of ]udgment.s; certificates re 527 use of naval aviagiora agfropriation for con- _ _ ·-··· , · -; ·-··---·--··-·-·-- ¤¤'¤¢¢` , ---.·-.-- 134 814 no immunity pregudrced . . ..._. ,,. 527 Aaopkznes, Anlllg, or I en ’ payment of judgments, awards, or settle transfer of, parts, etc., to Postal Service mentsfrcrn appropriate funds ______ 527 without; charge, ,,,_ _ __,__________ 583 appropriation if no fund available .. 527 Azroplancs, Navy (see Aviation, Navy). compromises by departments, etc., Acroplanes Postal Sermkie (see Aircraft Pos- _ authorized .. . 527 tal Service). ' suits for salvage services by Government Ajidaoits, Eesizhglnt vessels and crews, au- 528 required in juglgmexilts by default to pro— _ ... mcg ‘ ‘ ‘ { | · _’ deposit of moneys recovered . ..,...,,,, 528 may (ble Gig? xbgeqsgryeg, egzcry money; received to be covered into the thereof _______ _ ________________ ___ 282 reasury _ .. 528 effecf fdt 'fd t. departments, etc., controlling vemel ptmislivfdearftlfor fallsc;)s1l:l.lte£§ndIe`f}il;s etc gg tofb:1 izrediited therefor ... . . 528 Afghanistan y report o ju cments to b mad b ‘ ning, tr ‘ _Attorney Gzneral . . fi . lg. . 528 mpo and wl)1le1;taill$.uex;l:f>‘l1til>l§te§’ ezldeegl arbluatlgug and gettlgments dem- tions _____ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ ________ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ments, gt;) agreeing thereto, _ _____ 528 mncelgd _ _ ________________________ _ _ _ 1173