INDEX. 1829 Alaska-Cpujzinued. _ _ _ Page. Alaska-—Cout.inued. Page appmprnatmn for mmmg, tmusportmg, coal mined by Alaska Engineering etc.! coal m, for use of the Navy.. 148, 826 Commxssxon maybesold fordomestic _ salecuqu of areas 826 uses, etc ..,,,,___,_________ 1776 for buildmg, and wharf, Sitkn.. 167,875, 1368 Chugaeh National Forest, 1745 for guamutme system ... 175, 884, 1377 selections for m.i1roa,d mw;] gives _______, 1745 . formveehgaung mineral resources of. 197, 1400 eighty rods shorespace reservation not for mine inspector; clerk, etc 199, 912, 1401 . applicable to national forest lands forEngix1eering Commission 202, 916,1405 opened to homestead entry 1059 for cmje of insane ... 203, 916, 1405 other restrictions waived ... 1059 Samtanum Company Portland, Oreg. 9;% improving aids to navigation in, author- · 1 ized . . . 1058 for educatiogxlgg natives under Cozxgénis- 405 P°l-¤l:}g£·€Bt¤$D:·¤d G°P° Hinchinbiwk 1058 ' siouero umtion . ... 916 1 _ ··· ; ····---·-· - ··---··· for meaieu reuer or muvee; neepnine, ’ Md fur mms ¤¤¤;¤¤¤1¤ vimd under eee, Z ,_______,_,__ Z _,,,___, 203, 917, 1406 Secrcgary if Agrnivlwre -5 -------- 716 admxsswu of pay patients 203, 917, 1406 KD ¤9¤ i°¤8 P lm €!' S€€Y9· for remeeey mmm, etc. ...,... 208, 911,1406 _ _ _¤¤ry <>f Commerce ----- ; -, --·~ _ ·-·--~ 717 · for pr0tect101y0fga.g;e_ ____ _ __,_ 203, 917, 1406 _ ]u!'lBd1€'l}l0D over fursesls, I·‘r1b110f Islands, for sugpressing hquor traffic among _ eww Pot ¤K€°l’°d···;·-; -----·~--—- 717 mmvee . 20a, sm, 1406 I¤;¤e¤z <>f 011 wd z¤¤ d•=1><>¤¤·¤ m ------·--- · 446 for marshal, ciice expenses 209,9%,1412 mmm8 dim-*8 ¤¤¤¤¤m€¤t¤ M 191% 9*** fo! dislifict Efmmey, GGCG BXPGDBG. 523 pqnged ···· :tE · ééa· Q · 354 . . . ’ positsmrmdevelopedareas . 1363 4 for expense of judges ouimde of officml hee entitled to 3] on discovery 1363 reeaenee .,. 210, 924, ms nsgm . °“° . . for meals em of- 2 ad, Seward to Fmrbanks, additional ’ " mmm ‘‘‘‘°'‘ 10’ 924’ **13 um allo ed for construction etc' 293 for miscellaneous court expenses. 210, 924, 1413 H ka Cz .1 G W B ’ ‘ ' for establishing new aids 1:0 navigation, 2 3 ]· I · ed um gtc _______________________________ 1 . '`'‘ ''` . . ]IlI1Sd1Ct10H, judges etc 1203 Ei ‘ii‘;$?°2&?f“&*;gg;re; ·1¤r;e.§§?i?£“* "’“° <¤, vm; ·g; ·»m¤g,m¤¤i¤g,¤ai& -··— M 1203 lands ____________________,__ 220, 934, 1423 F 9] ‘m] “·“» °m°» °Z» 1204 for Weather Service expenses iu. 236, 696, 1316 as di; '‘’°‘`° 1204 for .¤gri¤¤1¤¤¤1 ·¤P¤ri¤¤¤¤¢ ¤g·g¤i¤¤;0 339 ngticgio be given ‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘`’‘‘°`‘`‘` 1204 m .. 1, 7 , 1 . · '· ‘'`°``' cuufulative lehves of absence to em- 262 A2l;;am‘§7g:ggg"f%rCg;LP1;1¤$”elgn’10mm1g mil_ p oyees ’ for stgr route mail service ip; emerge?. 52 pufgéllggséeetg-gab éé. e hg} 33% 26, 1405 mes . . .. 79, 11 ’ " “ - for man equipments for ... 582, 1155 m§g‘p§§’§,°,j,‘;§l€S°$?‘,;?ft‘g’,§§;· §2* $$6* “°° for surveypr general, clerks. etc . 673, 1292 bcgetumed to fund ’ 205 916 1405 f°" °‘P°“’“‘?‘“°· "‘°·* f°' ‘“"'°““° °f doficieuc e m riation :6£1$¤£"i1ee¤ ’ si sas mmdeermdlmyyin ____________ 716, 1336 fo .YbpP. P fo H HBBPQ ctc "io · f¤r x>¤>¤¤·2¤<·¤ ¤f Md M ¤¤·*i¤¤ ·¤i- ’ 'SEV., du'%¤greZi5`$m1c’»: skéexumals ln ‘'‘‘‘’'‘`'’‘’‘ 1 °’‘‘‘ 716* 1336 (mz; ,.,.,, . .,. , , . . ll'72 for g:lr“lg2%Dg°u°d“) hm b°tw°$g3 1210 additional pay of $240 s year, not app\i· for reuee of ehayiééiééxieli hee ’ addm(f:Q}°s§j’¤jmf$$j]’§gf,· 5; ·§ii;0a§“"· *309 , men m' '`‘‘ ,' ‘Z °'`'’' , '' ,'49’ 1216 Seward to Fairbanks . .. 293 deficiency °·Pp’°Pm`m°¤ f" ’°h°f.°f Bh1P‘ proclamation authorizing sale of surplus Wwéked $*¤¤¢*i<=¤¤ ¤¢*¤¤¤¤ m ·--· @1022 mn mined by, me domestic, exe. for Engineering Coulmiseion 51,335, 1172 uses _________________________ _ ______ 1;;-5 for Gdl1C8U011 of namvee. . 66, 1030, 1042, 1186 Alaska Frhherics Service, fw €*€“°“l€“'“l *’€xV°rim°m s“°i°n im · · 67 appropriation for agents, etc., Pribilof gg; ····-····- f Islaxltis, and service at large . gl Z), ggg, . . “*°°” ····- ‘ . .. . - 1 . .1 for prptecting seal fisheries, etc. 1034, 1043, 1178 fg; mrs} service, protecting seal fishfor miscellaneous courtexpenses 10%,1176,1188 eries, food to natives, etc. . . 220, 934, 1423 fvr m¤<i1<¤a1 rekef --··---------·----- 1042,1186 deficiwcy ¤1>x>¤>p¤i¤ti<>¤ for prvtécvingml for marking boundary {gm between gshm-ies _________________ 5,5, 67, 10341 1043 e Quads and 1187 fcr wooden power lighter .. 55 bxrch pmber may be exported from .. 917 Alaska Fur Seal Islands, mma xmue authenzed by Kemmken, rm- ap£m>prisii<>¤f¤rr¤p¤ir¤fbl1iidi¤8¤. ew-- 934 schoolhouse, etc ... 402 Alas a Oil or Ga.: Deposits, by fetersburg, authorized for public prospecting permits, etc., to valid mining _ 1.mprovements;c0nditions, etc .. 289 claimants not discovering oil orgus. . 446 increase authorized. etc ... 981 assessment expenditures required .. 446 by Wrangell. for public improvements. . 435 relinquishment of patent application. . . 446 clerks of courts, excepted {mm number of permits or leases allowed: Iéqlmemeut for deposit of fees .,.. 1099 maximum areas ... .. ,.. 446 coal for the Navy to be supplied from leases of, upon rental and royalties to be Mntanuska Held ... 1797 specified therein ... 446
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