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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/410

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INDEX. 4' Swim , A -0o iinued. Page. Airqraft—Continued. _ ____ Page. · Zppmpdatioinmlior ogersting aviation sta- joint report on, under their lI.\l'1B(11$0DB tg tions, balloon schools, etc ... 108,953 be made bg Secretaries of ar an for helium gas prriiuction, etc . . E. : . 953 do mi1;I;ivy and ostmsster General .. for zum, ,,,,,,... 108,953 pmclnmatwp 8¤!111111D8 fo1‘¤1¤1‘ 11}*1118 1'°· 17 §or 1¢;tlung _ . 2; .-..· 1 &§, 0,552 A ;f1'1¢*·1°¤¤];T°*°i ·~···--····-·· · ·-···· 65 o surplus eqmpmen . , nj r actary, awa {grr consulting e ..··---·-· 109, 953 a ropriarion for maintenance .- 133, 814 ¤&1¤6°1'¤ PP . . {or scientific medrcalresearch -.. , 1 109, 953 Aawqfz, Navy (ue Aviation, Navy). ior statrons in the Philip- 109 Aim-aft, Ifoagal égoermbe, hue { lm f pines .., . ...·.--·-·---·· ·-- appropriation rpurc 0 aemp 65 0I' 1 ¤¤1V¤·E.'1¤8° W1'¤¢k6<1 P1¤11€‘¤ --·---·--·-- 953 ° betwee N w York and San fg;¢¤P¤fi1¤¤¤*·¤1 ¤irp!¤¤¤ work, vic ----- 953 slgrlanvdgisco vn. and omaha. 579 for p¤rc1¤•¤¤ of ¤¤w¤¤1>1¤¤¤¤, etc--; ---- 953 rar expenses or operation md mmmfor paying aircraft to private mmm __,_,,_,_, , ,,...,. 579, 1153

 9143.; 1l.m1¢· --·-·- · ~--··· 109, $13 for foreign mails- ._  . . :  581, 1153 _

1$·1i1ir . {0 N {21;**0119*1 g? $1:;}; contracts theor marl transportation bg;9 1152 , 0])Gl'8 011 gu ° ____,_, ,,__,, ,,_. ,,,,, , dum ¤¤¢i¤¤¤ by New Av1¤¢i<>¤:- 954 cost tu, ceedrailtransportation. 579,1152 fo1’  ;;;'>H1¢6!¤ 1¤·V¤11·¤E 1*)* *11*, 109 payarllgzifrrgr appropriation for, by 1152 in u ·--.·--·-·-·- tes . . ... , i¤rsYi¤tic¢;r:ii¤;¤¢rE:ti;>s¤;•I:¤li11`w¤¢h00b1:1’- 109 Aircrqft §·m¢$:, Nm (rr, am Avmiou,

 B 8 Qllum I 8 )’

IHOYGQ1, PQY, Bk! ·-·- _ -----··--·-· U · 109 appropriazn for maintenance .. 133, 814 ¢0mm1$|0¤ $8 wwnd 110111*91]*1110 number in United States limited in six. . 133, 814 c¤m’ me ébdgi ¤¤ ¢¤mr•1¤¤¤z M Abcrqft Tenders, 111118 •¤ 6 9 ~--·~·-·- ' f rtrng' two merchant rm 5.°iLbu.m¤g 1,uua1¤g¤,a<:auu¤·,¤¢»., °P°'°P${.Z:‘.Y;§'i§{0Y?fX$ ______,________,___ 133 Boat mm slghogls, wd _<1¤1¤>¤··_- - 954 Aepzm nom, Amy, 111118' ’ · ·» *1817 N *1*1** . ap priation for manufacture 971 tion reservation; area included 954 gm · 1, · 4 · gm, fg ____________ 971 sm uma, m.,_sq1rr1gg¤ mem, men om 4,,,,;,,*Qff mg °"°°°’ ' f<>1‘ <>111¢¤!¤,]:BV;\¤¤¤11 mmm -··-—····--- gg sale oi umuitable, in the postal service, 1031 ro, elifeuglss, r1,"i1,`·}§;§a},§ X¤i,i'ii£w¤"‘m’ " su A.,,,,,,,,,,:,“th°',,m'”°d,,, ‘’‘‘‘``‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘' $11 ---··-—--··-·-- ; -···-·· _ -~-- ‘ I r1me' tal k tc- 953 for mbmmg, ew., aviation mmm, °p}§°{,’@'§‘§§, gffff _____ Y ____ ?___ 953 H¤w¤ii¤¤ ¤1¤¤d¤ ------------------ 611 Ar 015,, Irnyatwbn mm, Are., balances available .. t 1351 gppmprigtign for maintenance, etc., of for fortrlioa- 612 Ahn Hxviym Igsenmuou _________ 3, 408, 1226 f¤r cslglgdvshine ¤z»*;;¢;¤¤ ¤*»¤¤i¤¤. F¤¤=¤¤ 612 wrgrgi déini or imma . 1531 for avietidn expenses, 1350 penzgn _____ i ___________ _ ________________ 1549 deficiency appropriation for incurred ob- Ahbama }Z€T?`TY'T’.i'Y’l‘ `T{’T’{‘T‘T'T°?T’Ti.i’?‘}’TT’°°T’ 46 =PP~r;*1¤*=1¤¤ . M ¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤gg e¤v¤¤¤·=¤· - for incurred obligadons trom unexpended Egwnmggmm °f °¤°’m b°°“ 1346 balances for production 46 Al l A °"·‘$,2, *5* ‘···‘············ balsncespovered in, of appropriations for 8 ."g";° f ·* · . ·· P I . { ayudtlion stamina, sewoest defenses. pP'°P2:u:’u° t;”izi§°g;mgR* 1 °m'°y Wm 846 or sm n . . ... . . . . . ·: ··········· emergen om H migmd to 286 Bowen_Road to District Line . 846 numbec1`Yofll1?:rs required. . .’ 287 Al°b°m° Pg} O°g"q’· {Tau or·gani¤tionof,continuedt4>Juno 30,1920. 129 °ppr°pm{ °° °r uca °u° *‘‘········· 1244 creation of; officers and enlisted men com- §1:’;’V,_ M tgo ‘ _____________________________ 768 u onzed across, near on mery, numbgr 01 flying cadets included ... 768 A13 -·-·-···- · ·, --~-··---------. · . . - 1090 details to; command oggiring units . 768 Al°’¥”'W SW6 CWMQW, _ _ ingrgag of my for M ‘ glghts duty; 9 comag?11 of 50-cent srlwéer prpces authorized 595 mgtrictign _______ _ ,__,____ _ _______, 76 C0l!llD8lIl0l'9. 011 0 . . ..,. , , , , , . status of flying cadets unchanged ... 769 ¤11¤1b€1’, legal ¢¢11•`1¢1’ 011*1115* _¤¢¢ -··---- 595 expenditures gughgyjzgd at dggiyggfgd 110 GOV8l'DlDBl1t GXPGDSE ft)! •‘118B, 900. .. 595 fields, schools, depots, etc . 455 Alaska, acqumng Curtm-Elmwood plant, Hui- appropriation for salaries, etc., government _ MM N· Y ·---·--·--···---·- · -·----- 455 in . . 674,1293 Jvmff, _ _ _ _ for legislative expenses . 674 de£c1e11cy_ap§ropnation for fitting bmld- for native pupils brought to Indian Egin Grounds for ex- schools ... 6 411 1228 1t.1ono,an sccemo'es, { 'yj _____ ’ ’ - .,..,.5 by the 55,,mm.,,€1 dri; fc? €.“‘.¤£‘?,'-?“$’駒.?“,?,a‘3§?gi,°.§’§‘gB., ,;...i°8* °°" 019 W3? —·~--—··--·-··---— · -------. 328 trails in ...,.,..,,.,,, , ,_____ 124, gm