1028 srxrr-snvnsrn cosennss. sm. 11. cus. 413,414. 1922.
- ¤“‘°'*¤*’¤¤ '°’ Sec. 8. Thueie heregy authplifged to ge appropriatgd of
` $250,000, eun`ex n ,orte urposeso c,1n- cluding palyinedt of personallgervices in the Bistrict of Columbia and
- ’°·"»P·*°”— elsewhere, and all exogenses incident to orgamzing the work of the
' President’s fuel distrr ution committee, and not exceeding $50,000 uf;Y:.éf·*'°'*¤°“”" thereof shall be available for reimbursement and {payment upon specific approval of the Premdent of expensesmcurre since May 15, 1922, in connection with the work of the President s fuel distribution committee organized for the purpose of helping to meet the emergency existing in the matter of fuel. ~ Approved, September 22, 1922. °°P'°{;,‘b;.§,?i’°”• GEL?. 414.-An Act '1Qo_ give etiect to certain of conventions with
foreign Governments for facilitating the work of trav g salesmen. ”"'“""“· Whereas the United States has entered into conventions with the
“;<¤1i§6rB%_¤¤.1¤¤. Governments of Uruguay, Guatemala, Salvador, Panama and ' .. Venezuela which were signed on August 27, 1918, December 3, 1918, Januar? 28, _1919, February 8, 1919, and July 3, 1919, respectively or facilitating the work of traveling salesmen· and E§ ""“ °°"‘ Whereas Articles I and II of each of said conventions read as follows: m “AR'1'ICLE I. Manufacturers, merchants, and traders domiciled within the jurisdiction of one of the high contracting parties may operate as commercial travelers either ersonall or by means of agents or employees within_the jurisdiction oi the other high contracung party on obtaining from the latter, upon payment of a singille fee, 31 'cense which shall be valid throughout its entire territori juris 'ction. ' _ "In case either of the hilgh contracting parties shall be engaged in war, .1t reserves to itse the right to prevent from operatmg within its gurisdiction under the provisions of this treaty, or otherwise, enemy nationals or other aliens whose presence it may consgdzer Iirpjipdliciald to public ordar aid national safety. " ·r. . orertosecure ecensebo ti dth applicant must obtain from the country of dbmiblildn SP tli:1 inanu? facturers, merchants, and traders represented a certificate attesti his character as commercial traveler. This certificate, whilcxg irhallhbe issued bygttgilei zgthorityl to be designated in each coimtry or_t e purpose, visée by the consul of the co t in which the apphcant proposes to operate, and the authoritilislollythe latter shall upon the plresentation of such certificate, issue to the iapplicapt the national `cense as provided in Article I." ow, there ore, Be 02 enacted by the Senate and House R cntaf th U ited ,,,,§,§'},§,{“°"‘°“ “' States of America. in Congress as8cmbZ¢<(Z'Tlli1)l,e1'lhe Sdgrcgtliifry bf Clemm§¤·gm°¤r{mg¤g5 meme, or any person in the Department of Commerce designated by ¤s·u¤,¤¤;£vm¤a:¤x¤ him, is here y authorized to issue the licenses and cgrtjcaing of °°'"'“ ‘ identification which are provided for by the said Articles I and II, respectively, of the said conventions, or which ma be rovided for . . . . . Y by similar articles in any convention or treaty that maygnereafter be concluded by the United States with a foreign Govemment, and is further authorized to collect a reasonable fee for each license and certificate of identification issued. The amount of such fee shall be fixed regulations made by the Secretary of Commerce and shall be pai into the Treasury of the United States quarterly. Approved, September 22, 1922.