SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 415, 416. 1922. 1029 CHAP. 415.-An Act To supplement and amend the Act entitled "An Act to S¤P*¤¤b¢¤ 2% im incorporate the North River Bri gg Comériany and to authorize the construction of -TB?-.r[S‘ 2;,9%] a bridge and aplproaches at New ork ty across the Hudson River, to rqgulate [ “ °• °‘35°‘ commerce in an over such budge between the States of New York and New ersey, and to establish such bridge a military and post road," approved July 11, 1890. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States (qi America in Congress assemble , That section 2 of the Act M entitle "An Act to incorporate the North River Bridge Com any ‘g,’g§,§"§g,”°,§;',$°§°1;'S$,‘; and to authorize the construction of a bridge and approaches atlllew by Norm Riv¤rBri<1z¤ York City across the Hudson River, to regulate commerce in and °‘{,”:§°;:’; mg mam over such bridgp between the States of New York and New Jersey, ed- ’ ’ and to establis such bridge a military and post road," approved July 11, 1890, be, and the same is hereby, so amended as to extend the time for the completion of the said bridge until fifteen years from the date of the gpproval hereof; and said time is hereby extended for said period: romkled, That this Act shall not be construed as §Q’g‘;°g,nim°¤ d authorizing the building of said bridge in accordance with the plans £1¤¤s.etc.,fors}>g¤‘;¤val heretofore approved by the Secretary of War, under which construe- Y S°°”°"y ° °" tion of said ridge was heretofore commenced, but drawings sho . · the new location and lans of said structure shall ain be submitted to the Secretary of &ar for his consideration arid a proval before _ construction shall be again commenced: And further, That m§{'j`° "' °°mm°°°°' actual work hereunder and in accordance wit such plans so approved shall be commenced within Eve years after such approval y the Secretary of War. Approved, September 22, 1922. CHAP. 416.-—An Acc To authorize the acquisition of lands for military purposes [8% lm in certain canes and making appropriations therefor, and for other purposes. IWFIM. Nv- WJ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to provide for _%'}gi¤m,m¤8st° the pa ent of awards in condemnation proceedings heretofore insti- § '*;*g;n;;*·· tuted lib-in the acquisition of title to lands needed for military purposes, rm, p. im. ` and in order to save the investments of the Government in improvements erected upon lands occupied under leases for military purposes, and to avoid the payment of excessive rentals and restoration charges, and in order to complete certain other projects alreadiy begun, the ollowing sums are hereby authorized to be apprqpriate for the acquisitipnrlqf title to the lands hereinafter megtione lout of any moneys in t e eas not otherwise a ropriate , name y: Morganugneral Ordnance Iiiapot, South Amboy, New Jersey: For é`$iiiii°°l°»°iid¤:;i:°`i$1'iiiZ purchase of land occupied as a railroad right of way in connection with _ the ordnance de ot, $300. Pig Point Ordgance Reserve Depot, Virginia: To complete acqui- Hg P°“"· V°· · sition of real estate, $3,000. _ Middletown Air Intermediate Depot, Middletown, Pennsylvania: “""“°‘°"“· "’* To complete the acquisition of real estate, $165,000. Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Ma.ryland: For the acquisition of a E"¤°"°°d· lmright of way for high-tension electric transmission line and telegraph and telephone line connection with the Edgewood Arsenal, now occupied under leases, $24,200. Daum com Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado: For the purchase ’ of land occupied as a railroad right of way connecting the hospital with the Union Pacific Railroad, $1,500. Wm Rm H Walter Reed General Hos ital, Washington, District_of Columbia; pim, Ek °" For the acquisition of an addition thereto and for the site of Medical
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