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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1059

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sm. II. Cns. 419-421. 1922. 1031 CEA?. 419.-An Act Gran th onsen nging ‘ ‘ umwzz 19%. tllé State of Ol1i0, its successorllnegnd lK0°fC(?I?Bt1'\1Ct, dam across the Mahoning River, in the State of Ohio. [ ’ °‘ 35**1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House p1q1Representat·ives of the United States {America in Omggress assembled, at the consent of Congress t°y‘l",,,i‘2§'f‘(E,',,_“';,,,, is here y granted to e city of Warren, Ohio, and its successors dmargil atzugtnls, tot;>onstru¢?s, maintain, anddoperate, at iii pgdirgg suitae e1nrestsona`ation,aamacrosste Olllllgl River, in the citiy of Warreillg in the coimty of Trumbull, in the State of Ohio: rovided, That the work shall not be commenced {§’§Y,‘$;;°;ph.,_ until the lplans therefor have been filed with and a proved by the Chief of mgneers, United States Army, and by tge Secret of War: Pr d further, That this Act shall not be construaddl to U’°'°°“"°‘°°· zluthorize the use of such dam to develop water power or generate ectricity. Sec. 2. That this Act shall be null and void unless the actual °`““°°'°°““"“°“°°· construction of the dam hereby authorized is commenced within one EH and completed within three years from the date hereof: Provided, $,’°,.f§'°,;,,,,d H ,,,,,,,_ at the consent hereby given shall terminate and be at an end ggr;&‘1·;gg§v¤¤¤¤¤ i¤- from and after thirty ays’ notice from the Federal Power Com- ` mission, or other authorized agency of the United States, to said com any or its successors, that desirable water-power development will be interfered with by the existence of said dam; and any grantee ,,·§;,*§‘,‘}'{,*{,,,‘g@,*?'““‘°° or licensee of the United States proposing to develop a power project at or near said dam shall have authority to remove, submerge, or utilize said dam under such conditions as said commission or other °°“‘“"°"’· agency ma? determine, but such conditions not include compensation or the removal, submeégepce, pr ut1l1zation_ of Q&1d_d8IIl if the water level to be maintain m said power project is higher than the level of the crest of said dam. Sec. 3. T‘hat the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby “"'“°"“"*‘ expressly reserved. Approved, September 22, 1922. CHAP. 420.-An Act To authorize the Gary Tube Company to construct a bridge Sepwélgf mz across the Grand Calumet River in the State of Indiana. Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esentatives o the United States ofA1ner1£d in Congress assembled,}-Thi: the Gary `Tube Com- mgmmcexti pany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana, my may., LJ, is (hereby xgihthonthed tto construtlrigcmainitsbizii and plperate ta bndg: °°I':*:_?é,°‘:j*- an a ro es ereoacross ran ume 1ver,aapo1n suitablg to the interests of navigation, in the northeast quarter of section three, township north, range e§ht west of the second principal meridian, in e County, m the_ tate of Indiana; said bri ge to be built across the Grand Calumet River in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to re§ulate the con- ’ ‘ struction of bridges over navgable waters," approved _ arch _23, 1906. mmm Sec. That tde right to ter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby °“‘· express y reserve . Approved, September 22, 1922. cnn. 4a1.-An Act To authorize the omega, Lake sim? me seam nanny S°°‘°§";§§?; ‘°”· Company to constructs bridge acres the Grand alumet River m the State of Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cg Reggesentatives of the United 6,,,,,, Gamma, States of America in Congress assemb d, at the Chicago, Lake Rigigigago me Sim Shore and Eastern RailwaynCompany, a corporation orgamzed under me satis-¤ nanny the laws of the States of diana and Illinois, is here y authorized °°'“"““" "“" °“°‘°·