1030 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Srss. II. Cue. 416-418. 1922. Museum and Library, in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated for that $$088, $44,109.22. _ _ _ _
Inlan _ arehouses, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For the acquisition of sixty and seventy one-hundredths acres of land now occu 1ed
under Ease and to acquire five and twenty-three one-hundredths P. ts, acres 0 and necessary in connection therewith, $575,000. ··°“‘“‘““······e~·”““ .‘.?.$e1°2§°Y.‘}” .3.£.bW...“ sera ·*;“*°:~:¤.2 ::.2:::; lands and to_cause condemngtion proceedings to ge yngtituted where such action is deemed necessary or advise le, and out of the sum herem appropriated to pay final judgments m such condemnation cases, an to pay all necess costs and enses, mcluding cost of abstracts, surveys, and recdiiding fees incildgnt to and necemary in carrying out the purposes of this Act. _ Approved, September 22, 1922. squat-, wana lm'· 417.-—An Act Fixing the fees of the examiningsurgeonsintlnsBureauof o.3¤2. P¤.l¤l¤¤l· 1, I Be·itena4:tedby theSenate and Hcmseo Re eniatives (fthe United ree re? examining S A.7)'l€T?:6@ in Congress assembled, Thaglieodreafter each duly des- °°E°§T.1mm,p. cs, igna examining Surgeon, except expert and foreign surgeons, and mmm each member of a board of examming surgeons, by the Commissioner of Pensions for the exaxmnation o pensioners and claimants for pension or increased pension, shall receive the sum of {p•gg·,;mm,s mp $3 for each examination and satis actory report thereof: Provnled, mm. however, That the fee for each examination made by an examining s1u·geon at a claimant’s residence for use in a dpension claim shall be $5, and m lieu of actual travehng expenses ere shall be paid the sum of 20 cents per_ mile for the distance actuall and necessarily traveled, not exceeding the distance by the usually traveled route M from the surgeon’s office to the claimant’s home and return: Provided ,,,."§,"{,2";g, "““‘{)urther, That no_fee shall be paid to an member of an examining oard he is peisonally resent and, assists in the examination B¤¤¤r¢=¤¤¤¤·¤·¤¤¤- of the claimant: And prmnded That the report shall specincally and accurately set forth the physical condition of the claimant and include a full description of every existing disability. mi¤•;¤d_¤¤¤¤¢ ¤·••¤ ¤+ hmSg¤lp);2ép'l3*l1ilr;1;1•aH awe and parts of laws in conflict herewith are Approved, September 22, 1922. S°P**?§%i3;T· “(;K::r. £c:oCs:.)u‘t;l1t<;frize_tlie pggtruction of a bridge across Pearl Rivet Be it enacted by Senate and House of Representati the United §<;¤}g**¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Nageelieg Columbia Columbia . _ me acute mama and Mobile Railroad Company is hereby authorized to construct a %’f,._'?"};,{" °""‘°· bridge, across Pearl River, at a lgiint suitable to the interests of navigation, at or DBG-? _Tlll'01l, Wrence County, Mississippi, in
accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to
ge pgggtmction of ridges over navigable waters," approved Mmmm Sec. 2: That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, September 22, 1922.