SIXTY-SEVENTH concnnss. sm. II. cs. 423. 1922. 1033 and such eligibility shall be noted in the annual Arm R ter. If D°“’“‘ **8 °°*‘°¤ at any time the number of officers available and eligible fdigldetail to GMM Sm omem the General Staff is not sufficient to fill all vacancies therein, majors or captains may be detailed as acting General Staff officers under such regulations as the President may prescribe: Provided, That in Additiwal details order to msure intelligent cooperation between the General Staff and §?{'.i¤¤esli°°°°mb°°°°t the several noncombatant branches, oiilicers of such branches may be detailed as additional members of the General Staff Corps under such Limitspecial regul_ations as to eligibility and redetail as may beprescribed by the President, but not more than two officers from each such
shall be detailed as members of the War Department General
Sec. That section 37 of said Act, as contained in section 32 of ,,dY°l‘“*P‘"5·°“°“d' the National Defense Act of June 4, 1920, be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Sr:c. 37. Officers’ Reserve Corps: For the purpose of providing C°*Q¤•=¤*’ wma a reserve of officers available for military service when needed there °c?eéa¤¤ me cam. shall be organized an OfEicers’ Reserve Corps consisting of general p°S""°“ °f‘ officers of sections corres nding to the various branches of the Regular Army, and of suclimadditional sections as the President may direct. The grades in each section and the number in each ade Ap . mms b shall be as the President ma prescribe. Reserve officers shgl be Presiggill aioné, eg appointed and commissioned lgiy the President alone, except general °°P°g°“°"l°m°°”‘ o cers, who shall be appointe by and with the advice and consent P¤ri¤<1¤fs¤rvi¤e,¤¤c. of the Senate. Appointment in every case shall be for a period of five years, but an appointment in force at the outbreak of war or made in time of war all continue in force until six months after its termination. Any reserve officer may be discharged at any time in the discretion of the President. A reserve officer appointed during theexistenceofastateoafwarshall beentaitledto argewithin six months after its termination if he makes application therefor; In time of peace a reserve officer must at the time of his agspointment °m“’“’m’ '“‘° “g‘* be a citizen of the United States or of the Philippine Islan , between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years. Any person who has been Wroqmer service qualan officer of the Army at any time between April 6, 1917, and June 30, ""’“"°“S· 1919, or an officer of the Regular Army at any time mag be appointed as a reserve officer in the highest grade which he hel in e Army _' _ or any lower grade. Any 1`person commissioned in the National ¤§l,‘i§’g§,",g§,‘§l,s"§,§§?,§*§ Guard and recognized as a ational Guard officer by the Secretary *°¢¤¤*¤ Wdof War may upon his own application be appointed as a reserve R i officer in the grade held by him in the National _Guard. No other .,m,,°;'§l'i°° °'“ °° person shall in time of Bpreace be originally sg)po1nted_as a reserve officer of Infantry, Cav y, Field Artillery, ast Artillery, or Air umn f Service in a grade above that of second lieutenant. In time of peace p.,i},,,,m‘§, §,°°§,'g,,§l,C appointments in the Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, Coast Art1l— ‘“°°°"m*- lery, and Air Service shall be limited to former officers of the Army, officers of the National Guard recognized as such by the Secretary of War, graduates of the Reserve Officers’ Trainindg Corps, as provided "°'· "· P- mi in section 47b hereof, warrant officers and enliste men of the Regular Army, National Guard, and Enlisted Reserve Corps, and persons who served in the Army at some time between Algril 6, 1917, and B 1 1 ti November 11, 1918. Promotions and transfers sh be made under ¤~ma°i°§¤grs£$`i'iiliia?aS such rules as may be prescribed by the President, and shall be based so far as practicable u on recommendations made in the established chain of command. Sb far as practicable reserve officers shall be assi ed to units in the localit 0 their places of residence. Nothing in this Act shall o crate to deprive a. reserve officer of the reserve N G mum commission he nowliolds. Any reserve officer may hold a commission m.,‘}0,§'§’°,¤,w,d_ °°'"' in_ the National Guard without thereby vacating his reserve com- IIIISSIOILH