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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1062

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1034 SIXTY·SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 423. 1922. N°§°“"‘ ‘¥“°"*“‘· Sec. 3. That the econd h f tin67 f 'dAtb mm ppmpmuam and is hereby, amended to rldgrdagaigllotivssicc 0 0 Sm c 6, Ratgio of ¤pp¤¢¤¤¤— “The approqfiation provided for in this section shall be apporm$°.a&.»,p.i»»,.me¤a. tioned arxpccgnig the several States and Territories under {just and egui- °** table p ure to be p1;scribed_ by the Secretary o War an in direct ratio to the num of enlisted men in active service in the National Guard existing in such States and Territories at the date of apportionment of said appropriation, and to the District of Cowé···»····~··=- ‘..a¤* ¤::%::s£*;::iz.r9sh:mP%§%;:;m·s::::°arts , e p r o , emtories, and the District o Columbia sh be available under su h rules as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War for the actiizal and necessary expenses incurred by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Arm when traveling on duty in connection with the National Guard; for tile transportation of supplies furnished to the National Guard for the permanent equfi-pment thereof; for office rent and necessary office exgelnses of officers of the Regular Army on duty with the National ard; for the expenses of the Militia Bureau, Q G hm- ilgpluding cleripal f¢§exper‘ni;e‘s1`oflrelnlist(»:•id men of tgp Regu- 1,*} Im y on uty wit the ation u in udmg' °°.°Z°¤i$,p.m. mm` for quarters and subsistence provided seciion 11 of tli§Pay"Il:iid€ justment Act of June 10, 1922, medicme, and medical attendance; mE3°g,¤yf*¤¤ wml and such expenses shall const1tute a charge aglalinst the whole sum annually ap(propriated for the support .of the ational Guard, and rm shall be par therefrom and not from the allotment duly apportioned

 to any State, '1l‘ierritory, or thez pfélolum 18 ti-ioiéi the

- promo ion o e prac ce, mc uding e acquisi on, cons c on, maintenance, and uipment of shooting galleries, and suitable target r es; for the of horses and draft nimals for f piounligd tiiloops, liizttegigles, and wagons; for forag: {lop gifezlplamelgseargd or suc other mci ent ex enses 111 c nnection wit th

encamprpents, maneuvibrs,   field ilnstrlpction ag the Seiziietadry

o ar ma eem necessary an or t rta.imng` po the National Guard as are now or rsiiify h(ere;i’•§%>e autlifrized by aw. W**”• *’¤'••¤· W•* Sec. 4. That section 81 of said Act as contained in section 44 of D°J¤1.4i,p.ii¤ mma- the National Defense Act of June 4 1920 be and is hereb amended °°‘ I to read as follows: , ’ , y, E“"’“"‘°‘· _ “Sec. 81. Militia Bureau of the War Department: TheMilitia Divimy of to be A sion of the War Dep)artment shall hereafter be known as the Militia g:,£3d N,,,,,,,§] glnirigipf tIl;e War hzplailgtment. _ Ja1;luagé,é921,bthe Chief of - e _1a ureaus eapom te t d 'th mQ’,$,l?§",,,‘{“’ ‘*"‘““°" the advice and consent of the Senate, by Selection fiiortiin olilpregeiut apclgormer lglatéonal Gua3·dToflicers, recommended by the governors o e sever tates an erritories as suitable for such appointment, who hold commissions in the Ofii ’ R C0 , fha had ten or more {para' commissioned §ce EK? N aiibsnalln Guard? T mmm at least five of w ch have been in the line, and who have attained °"°’ ‘ fit least the grade eplffmajor. He ghalllalheild oiiitge f<:·n{{our years, uness sooner remov or cause, an s ave e r , pa , and allowances of a major general of the Regular Army during te ure Tmpcmycmd of qilice, but shall not_ be entitled to retirement or retired nay. ‘ While serving as chief reserve commission shall continue in fiirce

 shall not be termmated eizcegitmfor cause assigned. Until the

chief is aglpointed, as provided in t section, the President may as- _ wmv s1g:,(;;n;I;>theei-ioiithe A§my&net below tllgugrade of colonel, to $°“'·°‘°*·"‘··"*·*· fit aamfeel 3 ih?. ii M3 é‘“’ h“ sr Pr **3 Bl"§§Eu°”“ i°’ · a uar e esi en ass nm Emma! such number of omcers and enlisted men of the Regular Army asnlix; o.maems..,,;,.,,,. may deem necessary. He may also assi for duty in the Militia """°°“°"· Bureau three officers who hold or have hill commissions in the Na-