SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 209. 1922. 623 ninety-seven and thirty-eight hundredths feet, to a point of tan ent; thence southeasterliy along a line tangent to said curved line tghree hundred and fifty- ve and thirteen hundredths feet to a oint of curve; thence southerly along a curved line (convex easterlyi)having a radius of eleven thousand five hundred and nine and two—tenths feet, a distance of five hundred and twenty-six and sixty-eight hundredths feet, to a point in the north line of the south sixty-six feet of the northwest quarter of said section ten, being the north line of the highway runningileast and west; thence west alon the north line of the h%g way to the east line of the right of wa of §he Chicago and North estern Railway Company; thence northwesterly alon the east line of said right of way two thousand nine hundred and sixty-three and eight-tenths feet, more or less, to the said north line of section ten; thence easterly along said north line of section ten to place of beginning; with full power to locate and construct railroad tracks, sidings, switches, and other appurtenances thereon and to use said property for all purposes appurtenant to its business: _ Provided, That no part of the property hereby granted shall be used §'0‘{?0"',§;0,, ,0, ,,0,,, for any other than railroad Biaurposes, and that when such Xigperty ¤¤°*· shall cease to be so used it sh revert to the United States of erica. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized m§°S*g};°g* cf)¤ml;{g1¤· to permit the location, grading, and paving of a u lic highway pubic highway. E forty-six feet in width to connect with the ptublic liighway own as McKinley Road at the north boundary of the military reservation of Fort Sheridan, and extendin thence south to an intersection with the east and west road north of §ort Sheridan station upon, along, and _ over the following described pro erty: All that part of the north- D°°‘°"‘*’“°“· west quarter of section ten, town51.ip forty-three north, range twelve east, of the third principal meridian, described as follows, to wit: A strip of land fortty-six eet in width extending from the north line of section ten to e north line of the south feet of the northwest quarter of said section ten, beinig the no line of highway running east and west, the westerly boun ary line of said striqlgeing described as follows: Commencing at a point on the north e o section ten one hundred feet easte1%y of the easterly line of the right of way of the Chicago and North estern Railway Congpany, measured at right angles thereto; thence southeasterly ong a line parallel to said right—of-wax line and one hundred feet there rom one thousand Eve hundred an thirteen and forty-four hundredths feet to a point of curve; thence southerly along a curved line (convex westerly) having a radius of eleven thousan four hundred and nine and two-tenths feet, a distance of five hundred and ninety-seven and thirty-eight hundredths feet to a point of tangent· thence southeasterly alon a line tan ent to said curved line three hundred and fift -five and thirteen hundredths feet to a point of curve; thence southerly along a curved line (convex easterly) having a radius of eleven thousand five hundred and nine two-tenths feet, a distance of five hundred and twenty-six and sixty-eight hundredths feet to a point in the north line o the south sixty-six feet of the northwest quarter of said section ten, being the north line of the highway running east and west, to be and become a highway for public travel in perpetuity. _ Sec. 3. The grant to the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee ,t·;¢¤·.¢¤b¤ Railroad, hereinabove in section 1 authorized shall be ulpon the ex- wimputusmsmy, pzress condition that the said Chicago, North Shore an Milwaukee ailroad shall at its own expense construct build a roadway having a brick surface upon a concrete foundation extending from the north bounda of said reservation to an intersection with the east and west roadlyocated on the south line of the northwest quarter of section ten upon the strip of land hereinbefore in section 2
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/651