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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/652

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624 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 209,210. 1922. described the avement of which roadway shall be twenty-two feet width and thai) the said Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad shall at its own expense construct a wire fence, with wooden posts, along the eastern oundary of said strip from the north end to the south end of said striikof hke character to the present boundary fence of said Fort Sheridan eservation, and the location of the public highway authorized in and by section 2 hereof shall be upon the M=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢>¤by1¤k¤ express condition that the city of Lake Forest shall at all times after F°'°“‘ the completion thereof maintain the pavement to be constructed by said railroad upon said highway in a good and proper condition at the sole expense of said city of ake Forest. _ _ U,§‘,§;g’Yg{§j,‘g'},§,“°,$,}’bX Sec. 4. That the said conveyance shall be subyect to the condiue purposes. tions and reversion hereinbeforeperovided for, and shall be used for the purposes hereinbefore descri d only and shall be subject to the right of the United States at any and all times m any manner to assume control of, hold, use, an occupy without license, consent, or leave from said corppration any or all of said land for any and all military, naval, or lig thouse purposes, free from any conveyance, charges, encumbrances, or liens made, created, permitted, or sanc- §'°,,,{’,,‘?§,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ tioned thereon by said co?oration: Provided, That the United States ¤e¤s,em. shall not be or become lia le for any damages or complensation whatever to the said corporation for an future use by the Government of an or all of the above-describe! land for any of the above-mentioned purposes. Approved, June 6, 1922. June 7, 1922. . “ [S_ mj CHAP. 210.-An Act To further amend an Act entitled An Act to regulate com·

 merce," approved February 4, 1887, as amended.

Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United c<iiiiiiisriii¢iii.C°mmEr°° States ofAm.e1~£cg in Ozmpress a.ssembZed,'7;l`haztlrthe paragraph entitled mi{’r*gj{s°¤l*`¤*¤¤**°¤°' "First ’ of section 19a 0 the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, VoL37;p.701,amend- is amended b after the words "In such investigation said "°‘ commission shall ascertain and report in detail as to each piece of propxerty"_ the words and commas following: ", other than land,"; com O, to y_ so t at said paragraph as amended shall read as follows: other man iignilifrlor "First. In suc mvestigation said commission shall ascertain and §,‘§T°“ ,§§‘,',{,‘°,g{,,,';`,§‘,‘§Q report in detail as to each piece of property, other than land, owned ac. or used by said common carrier for its purposes as a common carrier, the original cost to date, the cost of reproduction new, the cost of reipiroduction less depreciation, and an analysis of the methods by Om {mum! to vv ch these several costs are obtained, and the reason for their my ° P p` differences, if any. The commission shall in like manner ascertain and report separately other values, and elements of value, if anv, of the property of such common carrier, and an analysis of the methods of valuation employed, and of the reasons for any differences be- Condemmm com tween any such value and each of the foregoing cost values/’ ¤¤»,,¤mima. _ Sec. 2. That the aragraph entitled "Second" of said section 19a HQ °‘·3’·¥’·*°’·“”’°¤d· is amended by str1Em` g out the comma after the words "and the present value of the same/’ and inserting a period in place thereof, and by striking out the words "and separately the original and present cost of condemnation and damages or of purchase in excess of such original cost or present value" at the end of said paragraph, 0,,gm, COS, md so‘th_at said paragraph as amended shall read as follows: gjggéff mu ¤f M1 ‘becond. uch mvestigation and report shall state in detail and separately from improvements the ori al cost of all lands, rights of way, and terminals owned or used iii-} the purpose of a common carrier, and ascertained as of the time of dedication to public use, and the present value of the same." Approved, June 7, 1922.