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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/653

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 211, 212. 1922. 625 CHAP. 21 1.~—An Act Providing for the appropriation of hmds for acquiring addi- Jima 10, 1922. tional water rights for Indians on the Crow Reservation, in Montana, whose lands are [H‘_R· 93*4*] irrigable under the Two Leggins Irrigation Canal. [I “"’h"» N°· ml Be it enacted by Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the (,i§i°,lvr¤i;?{siifitSé rm- Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to withdraw from the ;‘g,";{{)‘;g*’;‘,,,‘f,,;{‘;_g*,,g"*’ Treasury of the United States the sum of not to exceed $24,000 of any ` tribal funds on deposit to the credit of the Crow Indians, in the State of Montana, and to expend the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the acquiring of additional water rights for Indian · allotments that are irrigab e under the Two Leggins Canal, but _ which have no water ts: Provided, That the amount to be paid {,°&'§‘{;,, p,.,,,,,_ for the of suc water rights shall be not to exceed $20 per acre, and at said sum, or such part thereof as may be used for the mI,;¤*mb¤¢¤¤¤=¤¤¢ W pugpose indicated, shall be reimbursed to the tribe under such rules ' an regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, Jnme 10, 1922. CHAI'. 212.-An Act To readjust the pay and allowances of the commissioned izioioiirgi and enlisted personnel of the Armv, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Coast and [Pub1ic,No.zss.] Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, beginning uly 1, 1922, ,,8A"}",§&,,,El‘}},'§;,t_°”" for the purpose of computing the annual ay of the commissioned ;°·>;,g°£°%§°gg,;fS° officers of the Regular Army and Marine Corps below the ade of liidliiw gms ot mags! brigadier general, of the Navy below the grade of rear admirigll, of the °"" *°“°""’ °°°‘ Coast Guard, of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and of the Public Health Service below the grade of surgeon Ggeneral, pay periods are prescribed, and the base pay for each is fix ias follows: g _ The first period, $1,500; the second period, $2,000; the third R“"’S‘.°'p°"°°S· period, $2,400; the fourth period, $3,000; the Efth period, $3,500; and the sixth pleriod, $4,000. _ _ The pay of the sixth period shall be paid to colonels of the Army, §“$,$,,P°{‘,§§· $,,,,0, captains of the Navy, and officers of corresponding grade who have ¤¤¤i¤1i¤s ¢¤- completed twenty-six years’ service, or whose first appointment in the permanent service was in a grade above that corresponding to captain in the Army, or who were appointed to the Regular Army _ under the provisions of the first sentence of section 24, Act of Jime 3, V°r “· ¥’· "‘· 1916, as amended by the Act of June 4, 1920; to officers of the Staff Cams of the Navy advanced by selection under existing laws to the r or lpayrof captain; to lieutenant colonels of the Army commanders of the av , and officers of corres nding grade, and lieutenant commanders ofy the line and Engineer o the Coast Guard who have completed thirty years’ service; an to the Chief of Chaplains of the Army. The pay of the fifth period shall be paid to colonels of the Army, gi*¤Q,¤°P°fgg· Same, captains of the Navy, and officers of corresponding grade who are entitlingto. not entitled to the pay of the sixth period; to lieutenant colonels of the Army, commanders of the Navy, and officers of correspondmg grade w 0 have completed twenty years’ service, or whose first appointment in the permanent service was m a grade_above that corresponding to captain in the Army, or who were appointed to the Regular Arm under the revisions of the first sentence of said sec· von. 41, p. ·m. tion 24; to o&cers of the Stall Corps of the Navy advanced by selection nmder existing laws to the rank or pay of commander; and to majors of the Army, lieutenant commanders of the Navy, and officers Of cprreslponding ade who have completed twenty-three years’ _ Service: rmride , gflhat lieutenant commanders of the Staff Corps P'°”“°· 42150"—23———40