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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/655

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 212. 1922. · 627 For officers appointed on and after July 1, 1922, no service shall S°r·‘;,'§;§'°g;{¤¤ij¤i°¤g be counted for purposes of pay except active commissioned service un- counted mz i»ay.° der a Federal aplpointment and commissioned service in the National _ Guard when ca ed out by order of the President. For officersin ,uQ§gg’°,9gg ¤°"‘°° the service on June 30, 1922, there shall be included in the compu- ` tation all service which is now counted in computing longevity pay, and service as a contract surgeon serving full time; and also 75 per M‘§{*;'{§°8f°*N€j:§ggi]{g<} centum of all other periods of time d which they have held Quard, ae., commiscommissions as omcers of the Organiz tia between January s`°“s‘ 21, 1903, and July 1, 1916, or of the National Guard, the Naval Militia, or the National Naval Volunteers since June 3, 1916, and service as a contract surgeon serving full time, shall be included in th&`§omputation. f tbl A Shan 1 all th Pmmma Home e provisions o `s ct a u to ose ersons to ,1, ,,2 mm. serving, not as commissioned officersP1`i)i5l:hqd1Arni’y, or in thi; other Qgg£¤·hgvservices mentioned in the title of this Act, but whose pay under exist- I E P y` ing law is an amount equivalent to that of a commissioned officer of one of the above grades, those receiving the pag of colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, cagzain, Erst lieutenant, an second lieutenant, being classified as in o sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second, and first _ periods, respective?. Pay clerks of the Marine Corps shall receive ,,;,¥{‘§‘°° °°"*” *’“’ the pay of second °eutenants of the Army of the same length of mmm service. Contract surgeons serving full time shall have the pay and E ' allowances for subsistence and rental authorized for officers serving _ in their second pa period. Commissioned warrant officers on the mn°€’.l’“fl?°‘°§$’s?”°° ""' active list with crechtable records shall, after six (years’ commissioned service, receive the pay of the second period, an after twelve years’ commissioned service, receive the Hpay of the third period: Provided, §{,°",§§,;,,u,,,, ,,,,,,,0, That a commissioned warrant 0 cer promoted from the grade of Mmwarrant ofliicer shall suffer no reduction of Ely b reason of such pro- my sud ,2,,,,,,,, motion. Army field clerks and field cler , &l8.l'tB1'H18Sl361‘ Corps, LS}: °¤¤>¤ Md shall have the allowances for subsistence and rental authorized or officers receiving the pay of the Ersfgweriod. Sec. 2. That no commissioned officer while on field or sea duty ,,’§§,*§$,§°;f‘° ‘°‘ “°“ shall receive any increase of his pay or compensation by reason of such duty. Nmm, Gum md Sec. 3. That when officers of the National Guard or of the re- memes. ’ serve forces of any of the services mentioned in the title of this act ;·,$?,‘§;°"§,,,$°0,'§,f,‘§*,‘Q$ are authorized by law to receive Federal pay, those serving in grades 1>¤¤d1¤z arms. corresponding to those of colonel, lieutenant colonel, msfor, captain, first lieutenant, and second lieutenant of the Army sh receive the pay of the sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second, and first periods, reappetively. In computing the increase of pay for each period of ee ,,§°,§l°§,‘,l‘§‘;Z,,°{,§','ll,2Z,?l years’ service, such officers shall be credited ynth full time for all **!P•Y· periods during which they have held commissions as omcers of any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, or in the Orgamzed Militia prior to Jul 1, 1916, or in the National Guard, or m the Naval Militia, or in the Nictional Naval Volunteers, or m the Naval Reserve Force or Marine Corps Reserve Force, when confirmed in grade and qualified for all general service, with full time for all periods dur1ng which they halvglperformed active duty under 1:8S81'V8•(>0I11ID.lSS10I]S, Hm me I mh and with one- time for all other periods during which they have p,,,,,,d,_ °' °' held reserve commissions. _ _ C mmm { tm Sec. 4. That the term "dependent’f as used in the succeeding sec- ,,,,,2 ··d€p,,,,°§,,,,‘L_»» tions of this Act shall include at all times and m all places a lawful wife and unmarried children under twenty-onekyears of age. It shall also include the mother of the officer provided she is in fact dependent on him for her chief support.