628 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 212. 1922. migbgsfggéu fi}; Sec. 5. That each commissioned officer on the active list, or on ends ofbrindier svn- active duty below the grade of brigadier general or its Huivaleut, in °°ir1$i°§ stamina any of the services mentioned in the title of this Act, sh be entitled $§,:,§u""‘“° °‘ ‘”“’ at all times, in addition to his pay, to a money allowance for sub- - sistence, the value of one allowance to be determined by the President for each fiscal year in accordance with a certificate furnished by oghe cg Labqr shlpwing the cqiinpgrative retail cost rpg . f in e ni tates or the revious c en aryear as compa Mmmm with the calendar year 1922. Tli)e value of one allowance is herelx gxedl at 60 cents perddgg aipii) the gclal ytqlar 1923,1and thial value sllgrd etemaximuman cus e 'entas estan Bm °‘°u° ° in fixing the same or lower values {hr subsequent years. To each officer of any of the said services recmving the base pay of the first period the amoimt of this allowance shall e equal to one subsistence allowance, to each officer receiving the base pay of the second, third, or sixth period the amount of this allowance sha.ll be eqjual to two sgbqistence allgqglances, 31311 to each odictelrgelclleiving the as; pay qi P [ e ourth or peno e amount o owance e equ Oiileeirwith no as- to three subsistence allowances: Provided, That an officer with no ’°"°°“”‘ dgpendaeiits shall receive one subsistence allowance in lieu of the a ove owances. %**,;*;,1; $Ee.d6.tyT}gg;; eapllp eeigiiijsgigned (piiicer (gid the active or on
- .=¤¤¤ ··¤=·» active u ow egr eo riga iergen orits uiv ent in
ggiiiguieil °°t any of the services mentioned the title of this {Act, ifpiiblic qqgrters are not available, shall be entitled at all times, in addition to pay, Yam dmmim_ to a money allowance for rental of quarters, the amount of such sm, Jm, fo, om, allowance to be determined by_ the rate for one room Hxed by the '°°'“· President for each fiscal year in accordance with a certificate furnished by the Secretary of Labor showing the comparative cost of M _ rents m_ the United States for the preceding calendar year as com- °m“””‘ pireld wigiothe calen<%i1lrfyea1i11£?S2.al Such rate for gneigpom is lligiplliy e a _ permon ort e c year 1923, an f rates Bm of the mammum and shall be used by the President as the standard iii ‘ fix1ng_the same or lower rates for subsequent years. To each officer receiving the base pay of the first period the amount of this allowance shall be equal to that for two rooms, to each officer receivmlg the base pay of the second period the amount of this allowance sha be equal to_that for three rooms, to each officer receivu]rF` the base pay of the third period the amount of this allowance sha be equal to that for four rooms, to each officer receivinag the base pay of the fourth period the} azanounlt offi this allowance sh be equal to that for five rooms, an eac officer receiving the base pay of the fifth or surth period Fm ,,,,,,,,,,d,,,,,, ,,0, the amount of this allowance shall be equal to that for six rooms. {:gv£>s¤;;c<p§j)g‘§¤c3r¤r· The rental allowance shall accrue while the officer is on field or sea duty, temporary duty away from his permanent station, in hospital, on eave of absence or on sick leave, regard1ess_of any shelter that Omm with no dip may be furnished him for his ersonal use, if his dependent or depmasua. pendents are not occupying pulilic quarters during such pei-ied. In ieu of the above allowances an oiHcer_ with no dependents receiving Phe base pay of the first or second period shall receive the allowance rilrili ¥% ,f§‘§£d“`§§Eu“?.£6l¥’t§§°§E'“gath° }’“€hl’“’ °* “‘° ow ce or and that such an officer receiving the base pay of the iiftliaoxllcgirrisli period shall receive the allowance for four rooms, but no rental allowgq§?;ll’Il>p(p;a¥iiq(§o any ogicteg without dependents by reason of his M - yl C__ e orsea u . gL; §i eggs. méizgjgx; That phen the total of base paiy, pay for length of service _ ances or subsistence and renta o quarters, authorized in this Act for ang officer below the grade of brigadier eneral or its eqnuvalent, sha exceed $7,200 a year, the amoimt of the allowances