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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/662

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634 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 214-216. 1922. in the State of Illinois, their successors and assigps, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Fox River at a point suitable to the mterests of nav1gation_at or near C t cu n Main Street, in the said city of Ottawa, in accordance with the prov`iiil:ilip.i¤4Z visions of an Act elnltitled ‘AB Act to geglatg ge lcgggstmction of bri es over na a e waters approve arc _ . _ M¤¤¤·1¤*¤¤*· Sligo. 2. Thatltlhge right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act IS hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 10, 1922. J? CHAP. 215.—An Act To extend for one year the powers of the War Finance

 Corporation to make advances under the provisions oft e Act entitled "An Act to

amend the War Finance Corporation Act, approved April 5, 1918, as amended, to provide relief for pdrogugg; gi aigiudealers in agricultural products, and for other pm-poses," approv u , - . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ali; Fmm Cm States ry Amerika in Congress assembled, That the time during which ,,d'$§},‘§,,°§';,“°‘,Z‘g°,,Q,£§Z the War Finance Corporation may make advances and purchase w{,*})¤{¤;0P;°·§gfb§$» °*°· notes, drafts, bills of exchange or other securities under the of anis, 15. isi. sections 21, 22, 23, and 24 of the War Finance_Corporation Act, P°“*P‘“8" as amended, is hereb extended u to and mclu May 31, 1923: · . Y . . F §°'°,§§‘,>'§;,,,,,, ,,,,,,;,,,,6 Promkled, That 1f any application or an advance or or the purchase ¤¤ gv *>¥***¤¤*¤¤°i°¤· by the War Finance Corporation of notes, {traits, bills of exchange, or other securities is receive at the office o the corporation in e District of Columbia on or before May 31, 1923, such application may be acted upon and approved, and the advance may e made or the notes, drafts, bills of excha e, or other securities urchased t f t J 30 1923Dg P _aany1me rioro une . l§gll$l>ll(5ill¢ilSi¤:il=i¤d- Sec. 2. Tlilat the second laragra h of section 12 of title 1 of the gd . . I P ` War Finance Corporation ct, as amended, be further amended to Tim? 0, me md read as follows; _ _ r¤¤¤¤¤¤r- ‘Thedpower of the corporation to issue notes or bonds may be exercise at any time prior to January 31, 1926, but no such notes ,1;,,,,;,,,,,,,,,, time H. orémnds mature lair tlpan June 30, 192%/’ f h ¤>¤ ·=<i· _ nc. 3. at paragrap 3 o section 15 o tit e 1 0 the War Finance ei? ””’p'm'm°°d Corporation Act, as amended, be amended by stdking out at the ’°°"**""'"‘ bevinning of said_paragraph the words "begin11ing J y 1, 1922," D i H ds and inserting in lieu thereof the words "beginn.ing July 1, 1923." edai.l°£°;i.°ia4°:I$.mé¤u- TL1atbparagraphf4 ofdsaid seeth? L5 be almendtzd by striking out · _ _ at the eginning o said par ap the wor s "A ter July 1 1922 " PMP ml and inserting in lieu thereof Baie words "Aftcr July 1, 1923.% I Approved, June 10, 1922.

 CHAP. 216.-An Act To amend section 24 and section 256 of the Judicial Code.

,,_,d,,,,, Code, Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Representatives of the United my ¤¤.¢o,p.sas,¤¤m·¤<¤- Smeg af @11-CORQTESS assemble , That clause 3 of section 24 V _ of the Judicial Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ggg;g,°¤3¤5;;,mty ‘_Thu·d. Of all civil causes of admiralty and maritime `urisdiction . { Y xaiigsarmejmisdsc- saving to suitors lll cases the right of a common- aw remedy sans, etc., work- Where the common law IS competent to give it, and to claimants for {gg}; ¤ap;>,{'g3P,j{¥:*j*g*; compensation for injuries to or death of persons other than the master g¥¤g,g_gh§i¤¤m,ac., or members of the crew of a vessel their rights and remedies under the workmen sfcpénplensatéoig law of State, District, Territory, or possession o e United States, w `c hts and remedies h conferred by such law shall be exclusive; 2% all seizures on ladli (bri waters not withm admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; of all prizes