SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 216-218. 1922. 635 brought into the United States; and of all proceedings for the con- _ demnatxon of property taken as prize: Promkled, That the jurisdic— §{,‘L°“,§’g,puc,,bl,, to tion of the district courts shall not extend to causes arising out of §f§;' **1**** mas"' °’ injuries to or death of persons other than the master or members of ` the crew, for which compensation is provided by the workmen’s comppnsation law of any State, District, Territory, or possession of the nited States." _ _ _ _ Sec. 2. That clause 3 of section 256 of the Judicial Code is hereby ¢i(§f°l°m° "msdm 8·IIl6Dd6d to read as follows; cdy¤1.40,p.s9s,amenu- "Thi.rd. Of all civil causes of admiralty and maritime 'urisdiction, ,t.M¤¤§r=a{¢v ¤¤<i mrsaving to suitors in all cases the right of a common-law remedy um ml °°°”s° where the common law is competent to give it and to claimants for ,,,,,,,,,%,0,, Diem, compensation for injuries to or death of persons other than the master ¤¢¢-» *g¤r¤¤g¤’S wm; or members of the crew of a vessel, their rights and remedies under iiiiiiiiziiiiizugvghdg the workmen’s compensation law of any State, District, Territory, or °‘°·· °‘*‘ "°”°‘· possession of the United States/’ ' Approved, June 10, 1922. CHAP. 217.-—J’oint Resolution Makin available funds forre &1f111g· and reeto J““° 10* 1922* levees on the Mimissippi River above Caiigo, Illinois. p ring Resolved by the Senate and House cg/` Representatives of the United _ _ _ _ States of Ameriea in O ess assemble , That an amount not exceed— §L§‘e‘,?,§§§’,¥,’§,i}{,‘f§’,{‘,,,, ing $100,000, of the fuliigr authorized to be expended by Public Reso- givegfggé gg;) isps lution Numbered 54, approved May 2 1922, is hereby made available imap. :.04. ’ ` as an emergency fund to be exptpnded by the Mississippi River Commission, under the direction of the Secretary of War, for repairing and restoring any levees on the pi R1ver above Cairo, Illinois which have been destroyed or serio y injured byltghe recent floods of the Mississippi River and which are not now wit but may, before ,,,,1Z‘§§§§‘0d"§,§lu°§,§{’_?{‘§§f June 15, 1922, be brought within, the provisions of the Act entitled V¤¤·39·1¤-¤¢8~ "An Act to rovide for the control of oods of the Mississippi River and of the Siacramento River, and for other p es," approved _ March 1, 1917: Provided, That if the Mississippi River Commission {{,‘,§§,';’,'§;,c,, in e,,,,,_ finds that the levee or drainage district in whic the broken levee is 8¤¤<=v 0* b¤¤<*¤· ¤¤¢· situated can not legally, b or before Jnme 15, 1922, comply with section (b) of such ct of Miirch 1, 1917, the commission may accgg, in this emergency, bonds of standing approved by it in amount s - cient to cover not less than one-third 0 the cost involved: Promkled ·p.,,,,,,,,,,,, dmg further, That nothing in this resolution shall be construed as author- I¤f:“{;gf¤ °*°•b ming a d<;part1u·e from the established practice of the commission except so ar as may be necesgvaliiy to lpermit the restoration of brolgen levees in districts which are ing ut can not legally comply with said method of procedure in time to avoid another threaten overflow this year. Approved, June 10, 1922. CHAP. 218.- Act Maki appropriations for the Executive and for sun `lm{° 1% mi independent execiitxive biireausllgboliziidsil commissions, and officee, for the fiscal E ending June 30, 1923, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are D §[{g°gQ{° appropriated, out of any money in the not Otherwise ments spprvpriarionsappropriated, for the Executive and for snmdry in ependent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, namely: .
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