SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sm. II. ou. 218. 1922. 639 ingbthe purchase of periodicals, maps, and books of reference, to be dis ursed on vouchers agproved by the commission, $6,000: Pro- §;‘;,"‘;’§g,,c,,,m vided, That no person sha receive compensation hereimder at a rate ` exceeding $1,800 per annum and only one person shall be em loyed _ at that rate: Promkled further, That no part of this sum shall lbe ex- ,,,,'1,§°g§‘fh“g °‘P°"S°“ pended for traveling expenses other than those incurred b members of the commission or actual travel only in oing to and, returning from Washington to attend the meetings of tlge commission. EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION. ,,§{,,‘§,‘}’{;°,§’,,,°°,§‘Q,§’,,‘{{,{‘,*f°“‘ Salaries: Three commissioners, at $4,000 each; secretary, $3,000; Salemattorney, $4,000· chief statistician, $3,500; chief of accounts, $2,500; assistant chief of accounts, $1,600; accountant, $2,250; claim exammers—chief $2,250, assistant $2,000, assistant $1,800, five assistants at $1,600 each; special agents—two at $1,800 each, two at $1,600 each; clerks—seven of class three, twelve of class two, twenty-seven of class one, three at $1,000 each; chief telephone operator, $1,000; messenger, $840; exlperts and temporary assistants in the District of Columbia and elsew ere to be paid at a rate not exceeding $8 per day, and temporary clerks, stenographers, or typists in the District of Columbia, to be paid at a rate not exceeding $100 per month, $9,000; in all, $123,940. Contingent expenses: For fmniture and other egluipment and re- °°¤'=*¤¤°¤¢¤P°¤¤°=· pairs thereto; law books, books of reference, perio `cals, stationery, and supplies; traveling expenses; printing and binding to be done at the vemment Printing Office; medical examinations, traveling m§s°j*g°,j*_j °¤m*¤°· and other expenses, and loss of wages ggyable to em loyees under sections 21 and 22 of the Act of Septem r 7, 1916, ang for miscella- V<>1·3¤. p- 747· ne<I§1:1i{ems;’in all, $20,000. fund F th of mud p oyees compensation : or e ayment compensa— · tion [provided by “An Act to provide compenlslation for employees of iVg%°1Y7i31i!ixi5- the nited States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purposes," approved September 7, 1916, including medical, surgical and hospital services, and supplies provided y section 9, and the transdportation and burial exgpnses pro- B on vided bfy sections 9 and 11 and a vancement of costs for the enforce- v$1°ii§,pl°é41. ment o recoveries provided in sections 26 and 27 where necessary, and not exceeding $25 in any one case, accruing during the Escal year 1923 or in prior seal years, $2,500,000. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. mggganrowu com. Not exceeding $4,000 of the a propriation contained in the Federal .¤;'£`°°" °°°" ‘"°"' Water Power Act may be use; or necessary printing and bindix, and not exceedin $500 for law books, books of reference, and peri · icals, during the hscal year 1923. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. m,§§§_§_’f* '*"°d° °°¤· For five commissioners, at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; in Schrhsall, $55,000. For all other authorized expenditures of the Federal Trade Com- ·¤1¤¤¤=¤ ¤1>¤¤¤¤· mission in erforming the duties imposed by law or in (pursuance of law, includilng personal and other services supplies an eiiuipment, law books, books of reference, periodicals, printing an binding, garage rental, traveling expenses, including actual expenses at not to exceed $5 per day or per diem in lieu of su sistence not to exceed $4, newspapers, foreign postage, and witness fees and mileage in accord- Vol-38.v-'m· ance with section 9 of the Federal 'l‘rade Commission Act, $850,000.
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