638 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. Details ‘¤¤¤ is *m· No detail of clerks or other employees from the executive departm°m’ °t°" f°m£im' ments or other Government establishments in the DISEHCC of Columbia, E‘°°*’°i°“‘ to the Civil Service Commission or its Held_ force, excepting the Tmsm 0, p,,,y_ fourth district, for the performance of duty m the District of Cotes. lumbia, shall be made for or durmghthe Hscal year 1923. The Civil Service Commission shall, however, ave power in case_ of emergency to transfer or detail an of its emplplyees herein provided for to or from its office force, fielcf force, orrur carrier examining board. _ E*P°'* °"“°*“°‘”· For employment of exlpert examiners not in the Federal service to prepare questions an_ rate papers m examinations on special subjects for which exammers within the service are not av able, $2,000. _ Civil servica r¤¢ir¤- To carry out the provisions of section 13 of the Act_ent1tled “An ""€%§`i$§$’€i’3S°°° Act for the retirement of emplo ees in the classified civil service, and for other purposes," approver? May 22, 1920, mcluding personal services in the District of Columbia, stationery, printing, purchase of {,’;’§§@;,,c,,,,,,_ books, office equipment, and other suptplies, $40,000: Prmnded, That no person shall be employed hereun er at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,740 per annum except one at $2,000 and four at E ~¤i¤¤=¤·=*°¢¤ $1i·§00mh" r { ‘d an t t ‘ 1 ding tr 1 i X Q ‘ or examina ron o residen 1 os mas ers, mc u ave t mmmasm printing, stationery, coriltingent expgnses, additional exannners and _ mvestigators, and other necessary expenses of examinations, $75,000: §;‘;f‘;',‘g,,,c,,,,,,_ Provided, That no person shall e employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum, except Eve at not to exceed $3,500 each. ’1‘¤¤v¤¤i¤c ¤¤P¤¤¤¢¤» For necessary traveling expenses, including those of examiners et¢_ . . . . . acting under the direction of the commission, and for expenses of examinations and invesf ations held elsewhere than at Washington, and including not excedding $1,000 for ex enses of attendance at meetings of public officials when specificallly directed by the commission, $20,000. C°¤**¤¤¤¤*¢=1>¢¤S*s· For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the Civil Service Commission, mcludipg furniture and other equipment and repairs thereto; stépplies; vertising; telegraph and telephone service; fre` ht an express charges; fuel, heat, light, and power; window wa;l1ing· street car fares not to exceed $100; stationery; law books, books of reference, directories, newspapers, and periodicals, not to exceed $500; charts; purchase exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor trucks, motor cycles, and bicycles; maintenance and repair- of a rnotor—propelled passenger-carrying vehicle to be used on y for official purposes; garage rent; maintenance and repair of electric conduit; postage stamps to prepay post e on matter _ addressed to Postal _Union countries; and s ecral-dzhvery stamps· _§f,”Q'§,"I",,&.,S,,,,_.,,,, W, in all, $50,000: Provided, That within thirty gays after the approval ¤¤¤1¤*¤>¤· A¤¤Y· of this Ac_t the Secretaéy of War is authorized and directed to d)eliver to the Civil Service ommission, without payment therefor, one I motor—propelledpassenger-carrying vehicle. %f}g§fSgcsf§;¤0¤§i:m_ Hereafter section 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not be construed to aplply to any purchase made by the Civil Service Commission when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed the sum of $25. R°“”· For rent of building for the Civil Service Commission, $16,875, if space can not be assigned by the Public Buildings Commission in Prim _ other buildings under the control of that commission. ,,,g_ mg and °‘“"‘ For prmting and binding, $65,000, C `ssi n ' i..$¥“""· ° °‘ me comnssrox or sms Amis. qE§§"3‘}§€§,j 3,, _ or expensesmade necessary by the Act entitled “An Act establxshrng a Commission of Fine Arts," approved May 17, 1910, includ-
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