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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/669

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr. 218. 1922. 641 necessary office and travel expenses outside of the District of Columbia, $33,700- Washington, District of Columbia, Government hotel for Govern- Df’(g"°mm"”* h°t°‘» ment workers: For maintenance, operation, and management of the Maintenanceetc. hotel and restaurants therem, including replacement of equipment, P _, personal services, and printing, $925,000: Provided, That no person pggiiiiéieetren. shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $5,000 per annum, and only one person may be employed at that rate; _ Maintenance, unsold propertyt To maintain and repair houses, m§§$},“If§§p‘;‘Q,°;_’°*°·· biiilkdsingsi, and improvements, w `chfare unsold, $té000i, mmm _ ce aneous expenses account o property so : 0 pa taxes H 0 ‘{,°°“S ffj s ec1al assessments, and other utility, municipal, State, andycounty pe SB [pr pmys ld charges or assessments unpaid by gilurchasers and which have been assessed against property in whic the United States Housing Corporation has an interest, anti to dgfrag ezéperitses incident to foreclosutg mortgages conducting sa es un er ee s o trust, or reacqurring tit e or possession of real property under defstlult proceeéiingil rncludirig attorney ees witness fees court costs c ar es, an other misce - .0_ laneous experises, $10,000: Trovided, That thedlnited States Housing _§;i;·{;§1;¤ or eq- Corporation is hereby authorized to allow as an offset anyeqintable m ° ° gtaim in alpy collection made against any State or any political sub- · °vision thereof· _ In all, $1,056:425: Provided, That no part of the apypropriations §§'§,"§§*}’;,,me,,pp,0. heretofore made and available for expenditure by the mted States P¤*m°¤s'°$°”°°°d- Housing Corporation shall be expen ed for the purposes for which appropriations are made herein. rirrnnsrmn comxnirton commission. ¤§%L‘?.E?;.°°“““°"’° ]Lp1r elggen commissioners, at $12,000 each; secretary, $7,500; S°'**'“’$- in $1 500. Foi· all other authorized expenditures necessary in the execution £‘P<Ts°S· bm of laws to regulate commerce, includmgfper diem rn lieu of subsistence VY,} 3§:”§:’680_ °“°°‘ when allowed pursuant to section 13 0 the Sundrfy Ciyil Approplriation Act approved August 1, 1914, $2,150,000, o which sum there may be explelnded not exceeding $50,000m the employment of counsel, c0§¤¤;{1°Ym°¤* °‘ not excee g $3,000 for necessary books, reports, and periodicals; not exceedin $100 in the open market for the plurchase of office furniture sim§ar in class or kind to that listed in the general supply schedule, and not exceeding $75,000 for rent of buildings in the is- nent, D·C· trict of Columbia: Pr ed, That this appropriation shall not be g;g'£‘g~gn_ available for rent of buildirigs in the ulgistrrct 8 Columbia iflguitablz S ace is rovided by the public B dings ommission: rom,de` S, hb k_ fiirlher, 'lgiat the Interstate Commerce Commission may emplrg by P::§>l;?7’*»Yg°· contract or otherwise! expert gt-e}no5:‘aph"f<i1rep<;t•ters for_1ts 0 leuztll Sm mmm mm re rting work: An provm at the commission s a mm °_ se;_il?at a rate per page equivalent to thd cost of making them, copies gs 0 transcri ts of its proceedm` gs. _ _ To enablye the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce com- bSF§,,°'§_',§¤d§f°°°"”‘*“·”¥ pliance with section 20 and other sections of the Act to regulate 36v¤1.¥é_p€_gE¤ilv¤1. commerce as amended by the Act approved June 29, 1906, and as g(;_P' ’ p` amended by the Transportation Act, 1920, mcludrng the employment of pecessabriy sgectal accpitnténg agents (éIJ)0X&I}11I16I`$i $51225,0012} d Rmwavsmtyamnp o ena e the nters a e ommerce mnnssron o eep orme ams. _ _ regarding and to enforce compliance with Acts to promote the safety 29Y°f-8_5f’(,,§];3°,if‘£;_§,‘,§§; 0f employees and travelers upon railroads; the Act reqrnring common Vciiiisi. p·2¤¤· tgrrierp to ngake repgttstppf gciidepts agd authorrzéng myestrgitrons ereo ; an to ena e e n ers a e ommerce ommrssion o in- _ vestigate and test block-signal and train-control systems and appli- B‘°°" “‘gm'$·°‘°· ances intended to romote the safety of railway operation, as author- _ _ , . _ _ P , · \o1.34,p{S3S,\oL ized by the joint resolution approved June 30, 1006, and the p1‘0V181011 ss, p. 324; ‘¤1. ss, p. of the Sundry Civil Act approved May 27, 1908, mcluding the employ- m- 42150°—23——41