642 SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. `G b t - t f t , d er diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed $:i?i°Sl?u6m$F me ;iii·I;us(i)ntiIt;Isii=>(<iti)cl·i,1 183uof l)he Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved A t 1, 1914, $325 000. _ _ _ sate rmmuave mr- Elor all authorized expenditures under the provisions of the Ac}: of mvtimire p. an- ver. Febru 17, 1911, "T0 promote the safety of employees and trave ers 4°» v·l*1°-’ I upon rihgroads by compelling common carriers engagedm interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers Vo1.38,p.1192. and appurtenances ther·eto," and amendment of March 4, 1915, extending "the same powers and duties with respect to all parts and appurtenances of the locomotive tender,"includ1ng such_stenographic and clerical help to theo chief inspector agid his two assrstantg th I te t t Commerce mmissron ma eem necessary, an 1{,j'§g"§"g‘g,§*S‘°“”· ildr pei; dilemrinsligu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 ` ’ i of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, . $290 000. Phr¤i¤=1v¤\¤=¤1¤¤¢>f Valuation of property of carriers: To enable the Interstate Commiigiidélé, p.701;Vo1. merce Commission to carry out the objects of the Act entitled "An
- °;,Pn,§”- 6,4 Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to regulate commerce,’ approved
’p` ' Februarg 4,_ 1887, and all Acts amendatory thereof/’ by proviglw for a v uation of the several classes of property o clarrrgrés gu gecd §g;¤§1se<g;f;>§s§ggg;&_ tltilereto andtsecurrng uifpdrrrigtiorlr rionpggung tiherr stoc rShi6I;1 is; grgu r . , . . r securr res, a rov arc , inc udrng pe W] 38 P 680 of slubsistence wh§iiAallowed purésriant to sectgprli 13 dof the Civil Ap ro riation ct approve ugust 1 1 _, an mc uding no R°"¥D·°· exceedinp $g0 000 for rent of buildings rn the District of Columbia, €5°?iif $1 300 0(I0 Piomlled That this appro riation shall not be available ” °"· » > i T . . . · for rent of buildingsiin the District otPColumbra if suitable space is provided by the Public Buildings Cornrrussrgln. d $10 000 _ Print-in and bind- For printin and binding, $150,000, inc u `ng not to excee “‘g' g to print and Frrnisli to the States at cost report-form blanks. i €°¥°;“d° R“'"C°m‘ IN TERSTATE GOVERNMENTALR COMMISSION, COLORADO IILISSIO . O seams and experi- For salaries and expenses authorized in the Act approved August 19, Salim, @.17*2. 1921, entitled "An Act to permit a compact or agreement between the States of Arizona, California; Cdciorado, N evagla, N€¥".M8X1C(;;, Igtsah, and Wyoming, respectin the osition an appor ronmen o t re waters of the Colorado Igver, and) for other purposes," to be immediately available, $5,000. (,$gy3¤;; gffi<;%j’ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. "",§[§§‘g`}p,,,,0S, For scientific research, technical investigations, and special reports in the field of aeronautics, including the necessary la oratory and technical assistants; traveling expenses of members and employees; eiiice su plies, rinting, and other miscellaneous expenses, including technical)pcriodi)cals and books of reference; equipment, maintenance, I‘°"i*”" L“°°""°”" and operation of a research laboratory, known as the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory; maintenance and gperation of one motor-propelled passengencarrying vehicle; person services in the
em Smm iield and in the District of Columbia; in all, $200,000: Provided, That
’ ' the sum to be aid out of this appropriation for clerical, draftincr and R PP P _ messen er service for the fiscal year endm June 30, 1923, shrill not E g exceed $42,000. .\.dé1i4ti£§al mum- For the construction of an additional laborato building necessary ‘°"" mi ="‘ in connectron with the operation of the researchrlaboratory, $10,000. Bftaiilroad Labor sérehes. _ For nine members of the board, at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; rn all, $95,000.