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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/676

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648 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. preparation, printing, publication, or distribution of newspapers, magazines, journals, or other periodicals, or for services in connection therewith, not including, however, the preparation and printing of documents and reports authorized and required to be issued by aw. Attorneys subxwt to No part of the sums appropriated in this Act shall be used to pay }’;E§,'§`§_l °f ‘m°"‘°y the comppnsation of any attorp-ley, rggéilar or §}p\ec1al, fcg theilénited States S ping Board or the United States `pping oar mergency Fleer; Corporation unless tlhael contlracpl of erxliygoyment has been a roved‘ by the Attomey Gene o the United States. PW *<¤¢¤¤*=*¤¤=· Pglo officer or employee of the United States Shipping Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall be paid a salary or compensation at a rate per annum m excess of $11,000 except the following: Six at not to exceed $25,000 each, _ _ and two at not to exceed $20,000 each. c,f,'g§‘§,‘{‘,,g,_,§’_Y Em" No part of the sums apgiropriated in this Act shall be available for the payment of cert ed public accountants, their agents or employees, and all auditing of everyunature reéiumng the services of outside auditors shall be furnished t ough the ureau of Eiiiciency: gygsgé mmm for Pglmrided, 'llghaoriothinlg hgreincpiorgainedghlall limitghe gnéted States claims in imgsuuu. S `pping oar or the nit tatcs `pping oar me ency Fleet Co oration from employing outside auditors to audit in litigagin for or against the United States Shégping Board or the S Unite States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet rploration. “l""’““‘°°°"’°“s"‘“ No part of the sums appropriated m this Act s all be used for actual expenses of subsistence exceeding $5 a day or per diem in lieu of subsistence exceeding $4 for any officer or employee of the United States ESlhipp(rng Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency eet orporation. mS%?i¤c{ej,¤ the Dimift No part of the funds of the United States Shipping Board Emer- ` gency Fleet Corporation shall be available for the rent of buildi s m the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1923 if suitalble gpace .18. provided for said corporation by the Public Buildings ommission. Chime ¤¤* P¤Y¤‘>l° No part of the sum a ropriated in this Act shall be used to herelrom. . . Pay any claims of the Unitedpgtates Na Department ainst th U `t d States Shipping Board or the Unitrgd States Shipgging Board Eriiugrgency Fleet Corporation arising prior to July 1, 1921, or to pay any vol H 525 Unal Judgment rendered in any suit authorized by the Act entitled · ·*’· · An Act authorizing suits against the United States in admiralty, suits for salvage services, and providing for the release of merchant F’€StS€lS·b€lQI1gll’l§i to the Dist?. Stages from arrest and attachment in oreiw ]l1I'1S ctions, an or other purposes," approved March 9, 1920.

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. _> a e erans ureau an o 1m t 'f d service of such bureau and to further ameiililniitiid xiiodziiiyltliif Vallnar Risk Insurance Act approved August 9, 1921," includ` salaries and expenses of the central office at Vas on District olfgolumbia and revional offices and suboffices and inc udiiig salaries t f 7

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and mmor office supplies, fumiture, equipment and su plies, prinrtq mg and binding, rentals and alterations, eat, light, and) water, misce aneous expenses, including telephones, telegrams, freight, express, law books, books of reference, periodicals, ambulance service, towel service, laundry service, repairs to equipment, storage ice taxi service, car fare, stamps and box rent, traveling vnd subsistence P salaries and expenses of employees engaged in field investigation; m__¤¤¤€¤ Vshmss p&Ssenger·carry1ng_ and other motor vehicles, including purghggg maintenance, repairs, and operation of same, and not tobexceed texi