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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/675

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. 647 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. Shipping Board- For seven commissioners, at $12,000 each; secretary, $5,000; in we

gsillogther expenditmes authorized by the Act approved Sep- $2 °§§°’ "’$§“S$·L

tember 7, 1916, as amended, including the compensation of attorneys, 41.;-m' pi 0 officers, naval architects, special experts, examiners, clerks, and other employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; and for all other expenses of the board, including the rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia, law books, ooks of reference, and periodicals, printing and binding, and actual and necessary expenses of members of the board, its special experts, and other employees, or Pad, ms bsismce per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 ver si, pi1680. ' of the Srmdry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, while upon official business outside of the District of Columbia, $350,000. _ No part of the moneys a propriated or made available by this Act  ;?E?s4i§$J$ shall, unless the President Siall otherwise direct, be used or exgended §;°¤,{;v°;·S°‘)§aQ§§‘S°' Q? for the repair or reconditioning of any vessel owned or contro ed by resmcwa ' the Government, if the expense of such repair or reconditioning is in excess of $100,000, rmtil a reasonable opportunigy has been given to the available Government Navy yards or arsen s to estimate upon the cost of such repair or reconditioning if pgforrned by such navy yards or arsenals within the limit of time wit which the work is to Pmvm e done: Provided, That this limitation shall onili apply to vessels Appueaiire only tc while in the harbors of the United States, and expenditures in ,‘§§§§,]§,,_“‘ A‘“°"°“ connection with such work are to be considered in estimating the rzaeeave at em. cost: And provided further, That the provisions of this clause shall take effect upon the passage of this Act. Invest, mn my For the investigation of oreign discrimination against vessels and crimipatigns against shippers of the United States, and for the mvestigation of t1'8HS§01't&·- ·*'“"‘°“"°“°"· °‘°‘ tion of immigrants in vessels of the United States Shipping card, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, Per mmsumqmm actual necessary traveling expenses, and per diem in lieu_of subsist- ver es, p. asu. ` ence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, $20,000. mmnonuer smrrrivo FUND. eu¤Eiii'"g°°"°mppi”‘ For ex enses of the United States Ship ing Board Emergency raii$§Z`i°i·i;°ii°ie$°i Fleet Coriioration during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, for §‘g‘,§f"°“°“· l’°’°"‘° administrative purposes, miscellaneous adjustments, losses due_to the maintenance and operation of ships, for the tie-up, reconditiomng vo, n M and re air of ships, and for carrying out the provisions of the Mer- sw}w{.°° ' chant Riarine Act, 1920, (a) the amount on hand July 1, 1922; (b) Prom $50,000,000z Provided, That no art of this sum shall be used for the umieiiim. payment of claims other than tliiose resulting from the current mamtenance and operation of vessels; (c) the_ amount received during the Hscal year 1923 from the operation of ships. _ Pmum 0, cmms For the payment of claims, damage charges and miscellaneous ae. _ W ’ adjustments, authorized under the provisions of the Merchant ,,,§f"~PP· *2** "S°· Marine Act, 1920, $50,000,000, of whic _$30,000,000 shall be mime- Pm_,_0_ diately available: Provided, That no claim be paid out of the Limitation. élmount appropriated herein unless the Shipping Board shall find that such claim grew out of an agreement, expressed or implied, entered into with United States Shipping Boar or the Emergency Fleet Colléporation or their legal representatlves. _ _ P,,,,m.,,,,,,m,,,,b,,,_ 0 art of the funds appropriated or made available in this Act for den. the Upnited States Shippin Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall be expended for the