SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1922. 661 Secretary of Agriculture may make from any sums appropriated under the provisions of this Act or any Act amendatory tlliereof or su plementary thereto, after the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, shall) not exceed $15,000 per mile exclusive of the cost of bridges of more than ,,,0,,,30 twenty feet of c ear span: Pro#vi&d, That the limitation of payments Aéiguaémmmptbus herein provided sh apply to the public—land States, except that l“'§,,,,°f‘}fs5u_ the same is hereby increas in proportion to the increased percentage of Federal aid authorized bynsection 11 of the Act entitled An Act to a.mend_ the Act entitled “Act to provide that the United States shall and the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes," ’ approved November 9, 1921." PAB. 5. Section 24 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act ,,{1Q,‘}‘,¥§c°{§",Zh‘L’$,p§€l'{‘.l entitled ‘An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the };°g;‘ig¤*ég*B;%j,BgS° States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other pur- anu, p.é1a,»memiposes,"j approved November 9, 1921, is amended to read as follows: °d‘ ‘That in ang State where the existing constitution or laws will not permit the tate to provide revenues for the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of highways, the Secreta1;y of Agriculture shall continue to approve ro`ects for said State unf Eve years after November 9, 1921, if he shall] find that said State has complied with _ the provisions of this Act in so far as its existing constitution and laws will p[efrmit.” _ Pm. 6. any officer, agent, or employee of the United States, i,,§‘§,§‘§§‘§‘§§{‘§§f§¤’€§‘§i or any officer, agent, or employee of any State or Territory, or {_P,g°°§f;,;°j“;g{;· °°s°¤· any person, association, Erm, or co oration or any officer or " agent of any person, association, Em, or corporation shall knowingly make any false statement, false representation, or false report as to the character, quality, quantity, or cost of the material used or to be used, or the quantity or uality of the work performed or to be performed, or the costs (fliereof in connection with the submission of plans, maps, specifications, contracts, or costs of construction of andy project submitted for approval to the Secretary of Agriculture im er the provisions of the ederal msecmmsmwuk Highway Act, or sha knowingly make any false statement, false etc. ’ representation, or false report or claim for work or materials for the construction of any [pioj act approved léy the Secretary of Agriculture under said Federal ighway Act an all amendments thereto, or Fm t wm t in shall knowingly make any false statement or false rlepresentation in r9ports.s ° °° ° any report required to be made under said Federal ighway Act or Acts supplementary thereto with the intent to defraud the United States s all, u n conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment not to exceed iiige years or by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by both fine and im risonment within said limits. I mm fu m_ Pan. 7. Ii any provision of this section, or the application thereof vsiéii em.? iittniepu. to any person or circumstances, shall be held invali , the validity of {§f,§,_‘°“*°*"‘*°' °‘ ’°°‘ the remainder of the section and the application of such lprovision to other persons or circumstances shall not e affected there y. Inmwmt km W PAR. 8. All Acts or parts of Acts in any way inconsistent with the palm. provisions of this section are hereby gzlpealed. Pummmmmm Sec. 5. For the transmission of m by pneumatic tubes or other im, New rm md similar devices in the cit of New York, mcluding the Boro¤§h of B'°°“’°· Brooklyn of the city of N%w York, at an annual rate of expen ture not in excess of $18,500 per mile of double line of tubes, inc _ pgwer, labor, and all other operating expenses, $513,911.50; P1- , Appmamcyymr, at the rovisions not inconsistent herewith of the Acts of April 21, ·*‘§§f,,_ 32, p_ m, WL 1902, and) May 27, 1908, relating to the transmission of mail by 35,p-412· ' p)neumatic tubes or- other similar evices, shall be applicable hereto; Rmqou 0,,,,,, by revided further, That either part to the contract for t _ e transmission g·)=~=¤¤¤¢¤_m €<¤¤m¤·¤¤ of mail by neumatic tubes or other similar devices may apply to the ` Interstate Commerce Commission at any time after October 1, 1922, and before July 1, 1923, for a revision of this rate, its decision to be