662 SIXTY—SEV"ENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 227-229. 1922. effective after Jul 1, 1923, but in no case shall the rate exceed _ Y mg{•¤¤d¤¤¤ °¤j§°*,§g; $1S§<il0€iiB1TIli]zil:€the provisions of that aragraph of the Act entitled omeeln mm ° "An Act making apipropriations for the service of the Post Oiiioe ,,,Y°L"**""52"““°“°` Department for the scal year ending June 30 1922, and for other · Pwsrtsarnéssa*.;2iz;ssss;:;*:%·:se:;;s,sra;5r pos as salaries and compensation on an e uitable basis approved Jime 5 ,,E‘Z‘,‘f, i§$'i'»'*§'; 1920, and which provides that postal employees and substitute postal {g6,i*;‘g§, °g€°§§ employees who served in the marine, or naval servrce of im. the United States th§8HVorld_ ar aid giavelpot reachergd the maximum grade 0 s ary s receive cre `t or a time serv 111 the military, ma.rine or naval service on the basis of one day’s credit of eight hours in the l’osta.l Service for each day served 111 the military, marine, or naval service and be romoted to the grade to which such _ P pxtal employee or subst1tute postal employ; would have progessed Appmm to pom, his original appomtrnent as_subst1tute n to grade one, s all be tmpicyas in smite amended by adding the following: "shall aplply to such postal em- °°°°"°' 1* ml glgoyees and substitute postal employees w 0 were in the Postal A H _ I rvice on October 1, 1920. " • ¤,.H§§’¤§‘,"{Z§“S¤'§§'§ Sec. 7. That if the revenues of the Post Office De artment shall §,°,,§g;°°Y“P*“ '°"· be msumcrent to meet the appropmations made by t Act, a sum equal to_such deficiency the revenues of such department is hereby appropriated, to be pa1d out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise aipprogrrated, to supply such deficiency in the revenues of the Post O ce partment for the fiscal year endiéié Jime 30, 1923. And the sum needed mag be advanced to the Post ce Department upon requ1sition of the ostmaster General. Approved, June 19, 1922. [hiH.iz.1Igi·i??l CHAP. 228.—Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to desig· [P¤b· Res-, N0- 6rl nate lgepositaries off;;1;b1% nzgiiegs foreign countries and in the Territories and insu possessions o e 'ni ‘ta . ,_ . Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United
cs M me States of America, in Congress assembled, 'Fiiat the Secretary of the
- ,,£fs‘g'§${}Kl’n.§"’,,,§Y‘ Treasury ma designate such depositaries of public mone in foreign
"“°h?’iZ°**· , r countries and, in the Territories and insular possessions oillshe Unitzd States as may be necessary for the transaction of the Governments p,,,,.,,,_ business, under such terms and conditions as to security and otherwise
- ’F*"?”F¤°¢ *·{ -*¤*•>*i· as he may from time to time prescribe: Provided, That in designating
um institutions. . . . . . . . . . *3 such depositaries American hnancial institutions shall be given preference wherever, ID the judgment of the Secretary of the Treasury, such institution is safe and able to render the service required. Approved, June 19, 1922. J`§°;:{’f§;ig9§?‘ CHAP. 229.——An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Mobridge Bridge ( l "`[pub{;c_R'5Tg45j]‘“ Company, of Mobridge, South Dakota, to construct a pontoon bridge across the Missouri River. _ _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §S§,?,'§" R"§';,d Q States 0 America in Oo ess assembled That the consent of Convress 8** _ 2 , ng? _ y _ rp Qggggngg g{¤g&{>‘¤d¤¤» is here y granted to the Mobmdge Bridge Company, of Mobridge, ’ South Dakota, and its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a pontoon bridge and approaches thereto across the Missouri River at a point suitable to the interests of navigatron, at or near Mobridge, in the county of Walworth. in the State of South