SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 249. 1922. 701 Freedmen’s Hospital, $42,500. Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum, $17,000. Children’s Hospital, $15,000. Prgyiidgnfie Hospgtal, $1520100. G e emoria Hos it $15,000. Central Dispensary and) EniergencyIHospital, $22,000. Eastern Dispensary and Casualty ospital, $5,000. Washington Home for Incurabieis, $5,000. Georgetown University Hos it , $5,000. George Washington University Hospital, $5,000. COLUMBIA rrosrrrai. AND LY1No·1N ASYLUM. (Mumba H°spim` For general repairs and for additional construction, including labor aii°p°“rS’ °p°°m°°' and material for each and every item connected therewith, $5,000; for expenses of heat, Hght, an power required in and about the operation of the hospit , $15,000; in all, $20,000, to be expended in t e discretion and under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, Surplus of $25,00,, to and on Jul 1, 1922, the sum of $25,000 of the surplus revenues of })>§,g¢;1gg;*@§u(§°U°I{19t';*,{ the hospital shall be deposited and covered into the Treasury of the sms. United States to the credit of the United States and to the credit of the District of Columbia in the same propimptrons as the {appropriations for such institution are paidfrom the easury of the mted tates and the revenues of the District of Columbia. umnrzounosxs HOSPITAL. pig ms HW Salaries: Superintendent, $1,800; resident physician, $600;_assist· Sum ' ant resident p ysician, $300; roentgenologist, $600; pharmacist and clerk, $760; superintendent of nurses and enineer, at $720 each; pathologist, $300; matron, dietitian, chief coo , assistant engineer, aundryman, and eight graduate nurses, at $600 each; assistant cooks—one $360, two at $240 each; assistant engineer, $600; elevator conductor, $300; three laundresses, at $240 each; farmer, laborer, night watchman, four orderlies, and assistant laundryman, at $360 eacl} three ward maids, at $240 each; four servants, at $240 each; in a , $20,640. For provisions, fuel, forage, harness and vehicles, and repairs to C°mmg°m°“ ' same, gas, ice,_ shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, dings and medical supplies, furmture and bed mg, kitchen utensils, boo s and periodicals nlgt to exceed $50, temporary services not to exceed $1,000, and other necess items $50,000. For repairs andlinprovements to buildings and grounds, including R°p°k°'°°°` roads and sidewalks, $2,500. GALLINGEB Mrmrorrar. Hosrrmt. H¤?>Pi*¤*· Mumdpd For completing construction of the Gallinger Municipal Hospital, Cmmmml $246,410. 1 ersemg, For necessary physicians, nurses, orderlies, cooks, engineers, clerks, Opmt (mp gborers. and other peflvices {Sr the organig-ation apdiolperagion of gis P,,,,,,,;éd allinger Municipa ospit , $75,000: r e_ , at uring e Rmfic ¢<> ¤¤- fiscal year 1923 the number of persons whom it may be actually pmt; necessary to employ at any one time shall not exceed theuproportion that the force to attend the actual number of beds av ab e shall bear to the force re uired to attend the ultimate maximum capacity of 300 beds: Prmyided further, That no person employed hereunder P¤Y'°¤"'*°**°¤· Shall be paid at a rate m excess of the rate specifically aagpropriated for a similar grade of work for the Washmgton Asylum ospital for the fiscal year 1922.
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