702 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. M¤*¤°°¤¤¤°°· For maintenance, purchase of not to exceed two motor vehicles and maintenance of motor vehicles, books of reference, and all other necessary expenses, $75,000. _ _ _ _ _ Psychcpathic mia. Equipment for the new psychopathic buildings: For fiumture, ‘“gS°q“‘*"“°“" furnishings, instruments and appliances, and other necessary articles, $30,000. _ K*¢¢¤¢¤ <>¤¤‘¤¤¤°¤*- Equipment for new domestic building kitchen: For range, cooking _ utensils, and other necessary articles, including insta.llation, $15.000. R°*’“""°l"‘ For repaiis to buildings, mcluding the comp etion of alterations of the old psychopathic hospital building to provide quarters for female nurses and female employees, $10,000. _ _ Hgffjlnvw Asylum The institution now known as the VYash1ngton_ Asylum Hospital niimnimumce or. shall be discontinued as a separate institution during the fiscal year °*°‘ June 30, 1923, and the hospital service now being rendered by the ashington Asylum Hospital, in so far as it is not provided for in the new buildings of the Gallinger Mnnicipal Hospital, may be continued in the old buildings now occupied. mentgnd-¤¤¤¤¤ i¤=*“¤· CHILD·CARING INs·rrrU·r10Ns. Ggggngf <~'¤i1¤¤=¤’¤ · noaizn -o1·· omLn1znN’s cmnnmxs. Administmtiva ex- Administration: For administrative expenses, including placing p°°S°S` and visiting children, city directory, urchase of books of reference _ _ and periodicals not exceeding $25, and) all office and sundryexpenses, ,,,§‘,*§§§§§?s‘f" """°' $5,000; and no part of the moneys herein a propriated shall be used for the purpose of visiting any ward of the Doard of Children’s Guardians placed outside the District of Columbia and the States of Virginia and Maryland, and a ward placed outside said District and the States of Virginia and Maryland shall be visited not less than once a year by a voluntary agent or correspondent of said board, and that said board shall have power, upon propgr showing, in its discretion, to discharge from guardianship any c d committed to its care. S¤1¤¤¤¤- Salaries: Agent, $1,800; supervisor and lacing officer, $1,740; investigator and placing officer, $1,500; cliirks-—one $1,200, one $900; stenographer, $900; placing and investigating officers—six at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each, ten at $900 each; record clerk, $900; messenger, $500; laborer, $500; in all, $28,140. dn§$$¤¤M¤i¤d¤** chit 3Fo12)0 maintenance of feeble—minded children (white and colored), S 7.5 . m}_{3jj;wQj;__ f¢s*·¤¢— The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and '2`.».·»r}¤·¤.iqnQm.,¤r. directed to use a site for a home and school for feeble-minded persons, ""·*’* *‘· ‘”°°· said site to be located in the District of Columbia on land owned by the District of Columbia and now allotted to the Home for the Aged and I ntirm, and to erect thereon suitable buildings at a total cost not exceeding $250,000, and toward said purpose there is hereby appro- Ad,,,,g,,,,,,, priated the sum of $100,000, to be immediately available. The persons to be admissible thereto and the proceedings with reference to securing such admission to be in accordance with law. ,,,,§,°f*"’» °‘°·¤ °' °h*l‘ For board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of said board by the courts of the District, and for temporary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred from place to place, with authority to pay not more than $1,500 to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian control and not more than $400 for burial of children dying while under charge of the board, $150,000. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to A‘”°"‘°°‘°“‘°“‘· advance to the agent of the Board of Children’s Guardians, upon reeiuisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of C0 umbia and upon such security as may be r uired of said agent by the commissioners, sums of money not to excegd $400 at any one time,
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