SIXTXYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 703 to be used for expenses in lac` and visif children, trave on official business of the boarlil, aiiid for officelllagd sundry expensheig all such expenditures to be accounted for to the accounting officers of the District of Columbia within one month on itemized vouchers properly approved. rxnvsrnmn norm scnoor. ron comnizn cmmrnm. Sggyggycggrgg Children. . Salaries: Superintendent, $1,200; clerk, $900; supervisor of boys, S¤*¤*i°¤— $780; matron of school, $480; three caretakers, two assistant caretakers, nurse, and sewing teacher, at $360 each; three teachers, at $480 each; manual-training teacher, $600; farmer and blacksmith and wheelwright, at $480 each; farm laborer, $360; stableman and watchman, at $300 each; two cooks, at $240 each; two laundresses, at $240 each; temporaiiy labor not to exceed $500; in all, $11,300. For maintenance, inc uding care of horses, wagons, and harness, M¤*¤*°“•¤°°·¢*°· and maintenance of automobile, $18,000. For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $1,500. For manual-training equipment and materials, $1,000. For additional amount for erection of cottaige for boys, $5,000. C°"°g°f°' b°’°‘ All moneys received at said school as income rom sale of products ,,,§n°PS‘§,§ 0*;'p{ggf,‘g’,*; and from payment of board or of instruction or otherwise shall be etc. aid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the l)}nited States and to the credit of the District of Columbia in the same proportions as the appro riations for such institutions are paid from the Treasmy of the Elnited States and the revenues of the District of Columbia. _ , . ·_ ·. » >_ >· .. mnusrnran uourgseuoon, _ e _ S,,,,‘“,,‘},L"'*·"*’ Hm Salaries: Superintendent, $1,500; supervisor of begs, $7S0;matron, S“"°'· $480; three matrons, at $360 each; housekeeper an sewing teacher, at $360 each; two assistant matrons, at $300 each; nurse, $360; manual—trainin teacher, $660; florist, $840; e eer, $720; farmer, $540; cook ang laundress, at $300 each; twonildlusemaids, at $180 each; clerk, $900; temporary labor, not to exceed $400; in all, $10,540. For maintenance, including care of horses, purchase and care of M°*¤°°¤¤¤°°·¢°°· wa on and hamess, and maintenance of motor vehicle, $22,500. §or repairs and improvement to buildings and grounds, $3,000. For purchase of automobile $726. For care and maintenance of children under contracts to be made d§$,§,{,.E§{l‘}L°,‘{,,{,§{ by the Board of Children’s Guardians with the following institutions . and for not to exceed the followin amounts, respectively: N ational Association for the Rgief of Destitute Colored Women and Children, $2,500; Washington Home for Foundlings, $1,500; Saint Ann’s Infant Asylum, $1,000. · HOME Fon acm: Arm mrmm. mggliasxaxpema Salaries: Superintendent, $1,200; clerk, $900; matron, $600; chief S"‘”°‘· cook, $720; baker, and laundryman, at $540 each; chief_engineer. $1,000; assistant engineer, $720; mechanic, $1,000; physician and pharmacist, $480; second assistant engineer, $480; nurse, $600; two male attendants and two nurses, at $360 each; two female attendants, at $300 each; orderly, $360; three firemen, at $360 each; assistant cooks»—one $360, one $180; foreman of construction and repair, $840; blacksmith and woodworker, $540; farmer, $720; truck gardener, $600; four farm hands, dairyman, and tailor, at $360 each; seamstress, $240; laundress, hustler and driver, at
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