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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/733

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SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 705 Government Hospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other purposes," approved January 31, 1899, $5,000. In expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the District ,,f’};m§’§f_ t° B°‘“° of Columbia is authorized to advance to the secreta of the Board of Charities, upon re uisitions previously a provedrby the auditor of the District of Cdiumbia, and upon suclh security as the commissioners may require of said secretary, sums of money not exceeding $300 at one time, to be used only for deportation of nonresident insane persons, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the accounting officer of the District of Columbia. RELIEF or THE POOR. For relief of the poor, including ay of physicians to the poor at R¤“¢‘¤**'¤¢ P¤<>*· not exceeding $1 er day each, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Cliarities, $10,000. BURIAL or INDIGENT Ex—sEEv1oE MEN. E"S°"*°° m°”· For expenses of bu in the Arlington National Cemete , or Amriimizdiiitiiiiiiii in the cemeteries of Egglistrict of Columbia, indigent exiliiion “°‘ soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex-marines, of the United States service, either Regular or Volunteer, who have been honorably discharged or retired and who die in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding $45 for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, $500. . TRANSPORTATION or raornns. ‘ For transportation of paupers, $2,000, paiilieisilsportlng MILITIA. Mmm For the following, to be expended under the authority and direction E‘p"”$°”“m°”°°' of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and empowered to make necessarfy contracts and leases, namely: C drms t For expenses o camps, including hire of horses for officers required wps' '° °` to be mounted, and such hire not to be deducted from their mounted pay, and for the [payment of commutation of subsistence for enlisted men who may e detailed to guard or move the United States prolperty at home stations on days immediately preceding and imme iately following the annual encampments, damages to private prcéperty incident to encamsments, instruction, practice marches an practice cruises, drills an parades, fuel, light, eat, care and re— pair of armories, offices, and storehouses, practice ships, boats, machinery and dock, dredging alongside of dock, telephone service, horses and mules for moimted organizations, street car fares (not to exceed $200) necessarily used in the transaction of official business, and for general incidental ex enses of the service, $24,000. For rent of armories, storeliiouses, and stables, $7,000. R°“‘·°‘°· For printing, stationery, and postage, $1,000. For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and contingent expenses, $1,000. $116 cgi;) custodian in charge of United States property and storerooms, For clerk, office of the adjutant general, $1,000. 4 For expenses of target practice and matches, $2,500. T“‘¥°*P’°‘·'“°° For pay of troops other than Government employees, to be dis- P°Y °“'°°¤’· ggursogg under the authority and direction of the commanding general,

