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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/734

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706 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 249. 1922. c°}1*•}&¤0x<}sff°'*°¤¤°¤= REFUND OF ERRONEOUS COLLECTIONS. raymsnamumm To enable the commissioners, in any case where special assessments, “°"" school tuition ch es, rents, fees, or collections of any character have been erronecxgly covered into the Treasury to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia m the profportion that the a prolpriations for the expenses of the government o the District of Coiium ia for the fiscal year involved were or are plaid from the Treasury of the United States and the revenues of the District of Columbia., to refnmd such erroneous payments, whoHy or in part, Build. pmmts including therefunding of fees paid for uilding permits authorized by v01.esu§».m7. the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved March 2, 1911, §,C,?’,§§"§;,,,s_ $1,500: Provided, That this appropriation sha be available for such refunds of payments made the past three years. Anacostia rm. ANACOSTIA RIVER AND FLATS. eminem; ammp- For continuing the reclamation and development of Anacostia “"€;”Jf’{{;,p,g5¤, Park, to be egpeuded in accordance with the p ans specified in the item for the r amation of the Anacostia River and F ats, contained in the District of Columbia Ap ropriation Act for the fiscal year 1919, $150,000, to be expended Below Benning Bridge. Smallpuh. PARKS. exC<;§g¤¤¤•**°¤ For the condemnation of small park areas at the intersection of p° streets, avenues, or roads in the District of Columbia, to be selected by the commissioners, $15,000. g,f,;‘,§,‘Q‘f "“"°i"g"‘“d PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. ormcn or PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND onomms. ,,§§§§'§'g§"Q§f§°;,§§Q Salaries: Superintendent, $3,600; assistant and chief clerk, $2,400; aw- clerks——one $1,800, one $1,600, one $1,400, two at $1,200 each; messenger, $840; landscape architect, $2,400; junior engineer, $1,500; in $17,940. ·=·~» ,,§°"""°“· ""°“°”· For foremeii, gardeners, mechanics, and laborers employ·ed in the . P 5 public grounds, $31,200. CONTINGENT Expenses. °°“""g°“°°“’°“’°" For contingent and_ incidental expenses, including urchase of professional and scientific books and technical periodicals, books of reference, blank books, photographs, and maps, $800. P°"‘ °°H°°‘ PARK Ponce. games` Salaries: Lieutenant, $1,900; first sergeant, $1,700; two sergeants, at $1,580 each; fifty-five privates, at $1,360 each; in all, $81,560. P“""“°“·°"" For purchase, repair, and exchange of bicycles and revolvers for park police and for purchase of ammunition, $1,200. For purchase, maintenance, repair, operation, and exchange of U H motor cycles for park police, 81,000. “ °"”" For purchasing and supplying uniforms to park police and Washington Monument and Lmco Memorial wstchmen, $5,000. BUILDINGS AND onomrns ix AND Aizorxn wasmxoroiv. ¤iiaIfa¥er¤igi§$ai.° ° For improvement and care of public grounds, District of Columbia, as follows: