710 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 249. 1922. over appropriations and expenditures therefor as now provided by law. W¤*¤*d¤P¤¤m¤¤°· warm: DEPARTMENT. R°'°¤¤° md ”¤P°°· For revenue and ins ction branch: Water re `strar, who shall also umbmch perform the duties ofwchief clerk, $2,400; cle§is—0ne $1,500, one $1,200, three at $1,000 each; index clerk, $1,400; eight meter computers, at $1,000 each; meter clerk, $1,200; inspectors-—two at $1,000 _ _ each, nineteen at $900 each; messenger, $600; D'“°"°“°°° b'°“°h‘ For distribution branch: Superintendent, $3,300; engineer, $2,400; assistant engineers—one $1,800, one $1,700; mastermec anic, $2,500; foreman, $1,800; assistant foremen——one $1,275, one $1,200, one $1,125, one $900; steam engineers—chief $1,800, two at $1,760 each, three assistants at $1,460 each; chief inspector of valves, $1,600; leveler, $1,200; insplector, $1,200; draftsman, $1,050; clerks——one $1,800, one $1,500, thee at $1,200 each; stores clerk—one $1,500, two at $1,000 each; timekeeper, $900; two rodmen at $900 each; two chainmen at $675 each; four oilers at $960 each; three firemen at $1,1600each; janitor, $900; two messengers, at $600 each; in all, $95,02 . °*’°"“‘°"°‘*’°“‘“· For maintenance of the water department distribution system, including pumping-rstations and machinegy, water mains, valves, fire and public hy ants, water meters, an all buildings and accessories, and the purchase and maintenance of motor trucks, purchase of fuel, oils, waste, and other materials, and the employment of all labor necessary for the pro er execution of this wor , and to reimburse three employees for tilne provision and maintenance by themselves of three motor cycles for use in their official work in the District of Columbia, $13 per month each; and for contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationeY, printing, postage, damages, (purchase of technical reference boo s, and periodicals, not to excee $75, and other necessary items, $5,000; in all, for mainte- _ _ nance, $420,000. S,,]f,'f‘""“"°“ °"°“‘ For extension of the water department distribution system. laying of such service mains as may be necessary under the assessment system, $100,000. ,,_,‘}$?_§‘;f°s‘;§§e§‘;f gig; The rates of assessment for_laying or constructing water mains rwyseggymgzmema. and service sewers in the District of Columbia under the provisions °‘ '°‘ ‘ of the Act entitled: "An Act authorizing the la n of water mains and service sewers in the District of Columbia, tli-ia livyin of assessments therefor, and for other purposcs," approved April, 22, 1904, are hereby increased from $1.25 to $2 and $1 to $1.50, respectively, per linear front foot for any water mains and service sewers constructed or laid during the fiscal year 1923. d_;‘f:;;‘;;;*f*°"'*i’* '*~·i· Flor installing water meters on services to private residences and business places as may not be required to install meters under existing regulations, as may be directed by the commissioners; said meters at all times to remain the property of the District of Columbia, $30,000. “;f‘—*“’“*°¤ **¥d*a¤·*S· For installing fire and public hydrants, machinery, and appurte- _ nances required for necessary extensions, $20,000. '”“”‘*’“‘€ ‘““°· For the purchase and installation of one ten—million-gallon N _ centrifugal purgping unit, $30,000. °“'””"‘“‘ For laying teen thousand eight hundred feet of twenty-inch water main, Chevy Chase Circle to Georgia Avenue, via Rock Creek Park, $110,000. · li or laying six thousand one hundred feet of twenty·inch water mam, Georgia Avenue from Military Road north, $43,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/738