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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/737

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 249. 1922. 709 exceeding $100 for the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, and exclusive of architect’s fees or compensation, $125,000. WATER SERVICE. WM Seme- For increasing the water supply of the District of Columbia in plI'}"°°“mgw°t°’°“" accordance with Projxect E, su mitted in Senate Document Num- ,n§x§•$;;f·,0Q‘ °¤°°¤°· bered 403, Sixty-sixt Congress, third session, the estimated cost of i4iiu,p.o4.' which has been revised and placed at $8,738,000, there is hereby authorized an appropriation, mcluding those heretofore made, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, of not to _ exceed the sum of $8,738,000, which shall include the cost of all L“"“°'°°°" land, rights of wa , easements, materials, engineering, labor, equipment, service, andy all things necessary to complete said project and its full and complete connection with the present water plant of said District andp its distribution system, and of said sum there is hereby appropriated for said purpose the sum of $1,500,000, to be immediate y available and to e expended in such a manner as will at the earliest possible date provide for the completion of said pro- Contracts auumrizea ject. The Secretary of War may enter into contracts for materials and work necessary to the construction of said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of $1,450,000 in addition to the amount A°quirjng]g¤d,°u5_ herein appropriated. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to acquire all necessary land, easements, and rights of way necessary to the construction of said project by purchase or condemnation: p,.,,,;,.,_ Provided, That no bid in excess of the estimated cost for that portion C°°“’*°"°°‘“°“°'”· of the work or plant covered bg the bid shall be accepted, nor shall any contract for anyhportion o the work, material, or equipment to constitute uzlpart of. Y e plant for which this appro riation is available be vahd ess the Cluef of Engineers of the lllnited States Army shall have certified thereon that all its terms are within the re uirements of this authorization and the revised estimates: Provided fur- ,0S,,'g’§,§°,§;§,!{§;§f°P“‘ ther, That the Secretary of War shall submit to Congress on the first day of the next regular session a supplemental report on said water system and increase of water supply showing, among other things, new or proposed construction within said District, connections with the present system of distribution, and revised estimates of cost. T e following sums are appropriated wholl out of the revenues ,,$nmggQF;m$e*;g;S'Y of the water department for expenses of the glfashington Aqueduct ` and ifs appurtenances and for expenses of the water department, name y: wasumcrron Aqrmnucr. dull. 8 °° "°°° For operation, includin salaries of all necessary employees, main- v6il?1iiii»r}.°Zii°iiii§i¤°£il•$ tenance and re air of V§ashington Aqueduct and its accessories, "'°“°·“‘°· McMillan Park Yiteservoir, Washington Aqueduct tunnel, the filtration plant, the plant for the preliminary treatment of the water supply, authorized water meters on Federal services, vehicles, and for each and every purpose connected therewith, $170,000. _ For ordinary re airs, grading, opening ditches, and other inamte· °°”"“"R°°"· nance of Conduit §oad, $5 000. _ E md For emergency fund, to be used only in case of a serious break re- °y ' gluiring immediate repairs in one of the more 1m(portant aqueduct or tration plant structures, such as a dam, con u1t, tunnel, bridge, building, or important piece of machinery, $5,000; all expenditures from this a propriation shall be reported m detail to Congress. Nothing herein shall be construed as affectixeg the supermtendence 0,°v‘,}‘,§";‘,,°§§*°x‘}’°_a°f” and control of the Secretary of War over the ashmgton Aqueduct, its rights, appurtenances, and fixtures connected with the same and