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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/740

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712 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ons. 249, 250. 1922. P'II°”é*°| · Promkled, 'I`hat the expenditures hereunder shall not exceed $15,000 £¤•¢,i>·1s3sh dririulig the fiscal year 1923imh th _ d to 1 te rn ¤¤P<¤'¤*¥ e commissioners are er au orize emp 0 mpora y M such laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics as may lie r uired in _ 6*1 connection with water—department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, incrdental to carrying on suc work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics to be emploged to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to e done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriation under which such services are rendered and _ PP gd ex uses mcurr . -

 °“”‘ gies 5. That the commissioners are authorized to employ   the

E*P°¤¤•¤ P °Y¤'°'• execution of work the cost of which is ayable from the appro nation v¤1.m,p.:wa. account created in the Dresitrrct of Co umbi$propr1ation ct? apé roved A ril 27 1904 an known as the " eous trust- un geposits, District of Columbia/’ all necessarz inspectors, overseers, foremen, sewer tagpers, skilled laborers, mee anics, laborers, special policemen station pt sfrleiet-railway prossiiags, one of gas tting, two janitors or a oratories o the ashington an eorgetown Gas Light Companies, market master, assistant market master, watchman, bookkeeper in the auditor’s office, clerk in the office of the collector of taxes, horses, carts, and w ons, and to hire therefor motor trucks whe;1 specifically and m wnting authogrzerh by the commissioners an to incur necess expenses inci ent to car- ` on such ’work and necess formthe ro r execution thereof (Ying _ WHY P P6 _ and including the maintenance of motor vehic es, such services and _ exgenses to be paid from said appropriation account. ·“°*“'““·"’pP“°‘·"°' nc. 6. That the commissioners and other res onsible officials, in lmles,etc. _ _ _ _ _ P _ hoinvgticrgkagt elxplcindmghappropmatépm coritained in thisfmg., so ffiir as possible, mm mawgsséhogs s a purc ase materi , supip ies, mc_uding oo supp es an equip- '°°g°‘°°°"°d Y ment, ghen needed and fun s are étvarlable, from the varrgiis serwqrces of the ovemment of the United tates possessing materi , supp ies _ Dm, ,,,,,,,,.6p,,,.d,,, passenger-carrying and other motor vehicles, equipment nd ¤¤s¤¤¤¢vM¤ onger required because of the cessation of war activities. It shall be the duty of the commissioners and other officials, before p\urcha.s— ing any of the articles described herein, to ascertain from the Gov- . I , ernment of the United States whether it has articles of the character ` describe that are serviceab e. An artic es urc ase from the

  • "‘°°‘“" b (1 1 (1 1 ri ri h

Govemment, if the same have not been used, sgall be paid for at a B,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,c_ reasonable price, not to exceed actual cost, and if the same have been used, at a reasonable price based upon leriigth of usage. The various services of the Government of the Unite States are authorized to sell such articles to the municipal government under the conp,,,,,,_,,,_ ditions specified and the proceeds of such sales shall be covered into m'Q*;3;¤*¤;m¤grd¤*n*§)¤€ the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Promkled, That this section mem. shall not Ee construed to amend, alter, or repeal the Executig; order of Decem er 3, 1918 concerning the transfer of office materi suplies, and uipment in the District of Columbia f into ecause of e cessation of war activities. Approved, June 29, 1922. iriliiuizigizingi CHAP. 250.-·An Act To provide additional compensation for certain civilian lY¤W¤» N1?-57-I gmployais of the Governunligeqm of 3t)he19Ig3nited States and the District of Columbia m-mg e fiscal year en une , . . .. Be 12 enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Gum mpmm United States of America in Congress erssembled, That all civilian emplolyees of the Governments of the United States and the District of Co umbra who receive a total of compensation at the rate of