SIXTY—SEVENTH oouennss. si-ss. 11. GH. zso. mz. 713 $2,500 per annum or less, except as otherwise provided in this Act, regeggiuwji Mvthe shall receive during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, additional s2,scn¤ii1$•¤i·?sS compensation at _ e rate of $240 per annum: Promkled, That such §;*;·é·°,;t mm employees as receive a total of annual compensation at a rate more and $2,740. wm ’ than $2,500 and less than $2,740 shall receive additional compensation at such rate per annum as may be necessary to make their salaries, plus their ad itional compensation, at the rate of $2,740 per annum, and no employee shall receive additional compensation under this Act at a rate which is more than 60 er centum of the rate. of the total annual compensation received hy such employee: Provided Net wmpuud as further, That the increased compensation at the rate of $240 per amy` annum for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, shall not be computed msmenmupsymas salary in construing this ct: Pr0mkZed1);urther, That where an ‘f',,‘§f"" “‘“°° ’““°‘*°· employee in the service on June 30, 1921, as received during the fiscal year 1922, or shall receive during the fiscal year 1923, an increase of salary at a rate in excess of $200 per annum, or where an _ employee, whether previously in the service or not, has entered the ,,§,'§ °°“‘“°° service since June 30, 1921, whether such employee has received an increase in salary or not, such employees sllall be granted the increased compensation provided herein only when and upon the certification of the pprson in the legislative branch or the head of the department or esta lishment employing such persons of the ability and qualifications personal to such employees as would justify suc increased compensation: · www ,,,,,,,,0},,,,,, Sec. 2. That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to the ¤<>t¤¤¤¤¤¤i- following: Employees paid from the postal revenues and sums which may be advanced from the Treasury to meet deficiencies in the postal revenues, except employees of the Post Office Department in the District of Columbia, who shall be included; employees whose tpay is adjustable from time to time throughwageboards or similar au ority to accord with the commercial rates paid locally for the same class of service; employees of the Panama Canal on the Canal Zone; employees of the Alaskan Engineering Commission in Alaska; employees paid from lump—sum appropriations in bureaus, divisions, pm*`I§§',·P¤§]s‘PP¤’m •P· commissions, or any other governmental agencies or emgo ents ;.;,.,,p¤,,,Q_ created by law since January 1, 1916, except em loyees of eyililited States Tariff Commission, the United States Vl;terans’ Bureau, the Bureau of the Budget, the General Accounting Office, and the Bureau of Accounts of the Post Office Department, who shall be included, but the additional compensation granted herein shall not be paid ,,,,I’,{§°{,',¥2,,‘?,{’,,,,l{,’,°!j to any person em loyed in the United States Veterans’ Bureau who °·¤- did not receive the additional compensation during the fiscal year 1922; employees whose duties require only a portion of their tune, °°**°'°”*P'°>'•¤·•°°~ except charwomen, who shall be included; employees whose services are utilized for brief periods at intervals· persons employed by or through corporations, firms, or individuals acting for or on behalf of or as agents of the United States or any department ormdependent establishment of the Government of the United States m connection with construction work or the operation of plants; employees who receive a part of their ay from any outside sources under cooperative arrangements with tllile Govemment of the United States or the District of Columbia; employees who serve voluntarily or receive on] a nominal compensation, and employees who may be provided with special allowances because of their service m foreign countries. mum Sec. 3. That section 6 of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial mm ,,t*"§’,,,,¤,"'°b;,*° Appropriation Act approved May 10, 1916, as amended by the Naval ’*¤{$_'gfg,'P_ m Appropriation Act approved August 29, 1916, shall not operate to prevent anyone from receiving the additional compensation provided m this Act who otherwise is entitled to receive the same.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/741